Are these instructions correct for sub theming TouchPro?

If not - what should I do?


JurriaanRoelofs’s picture

Hi, documentation is in the making but it takes long because while writing documentation I want to make changes to the system in order to improve the developer experience.

I think now the best way to make a TouchPro sub theme is to copy a starterkit from the Tundra folder ( )

documentation on sub theming in general should be in the Drupal handbook.’s picture

OK. I did this:
* copied /local/drupal/themes/tundra/tundra_starterkit to /local/drupal/sites/all/themes/wayves/
* renamed to
* changed the name in
* changed the base theme = touchpro
* changed the stylesheets[all][] = wayves.css
* erased everything except the Regions, leaving my .info file like this:

wayves.css has just this:

body {
font: 18px/1.5em helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif;
color: #444;

So when I make this the default theme, what I'm expecting: nothing to change except the body typeface to increase to 18.

What I get (a) no three-column layout (b) default typeface for headlines and body and (c) logo disappears

What am I doing wrong?

JurriaanRoelofs’s picture

I think it might be better if you copy over the TouchPro .info file into the Tundra starterkit because it contains the right default settings.
In any case you still have to put blocks into columns (=regions) if you set up a new theme.’s picture

Right on! Thank you! I now have theme "Wayves 0.1" as the only enabled theme, and it looks exactly like it did before!

You can see it here:

Now: to get started, I would like to do two things:
CSS (I think)
* I would like to have the h1 class="node-title" and h2 class="block-title" much smaller and not inverse on Front Page.

Template (I think)
* on Front Page, I'd like to hide, or not print "Add new comment"
* if there are images, I would like to show a thumbnail of the first one as a float:left at the top of the article.

Which files should I copy to where, to modify, to do this? I think after that I will be totally done asking for help.