The Token replace AJAX module adds the ability to process individual tokens via an AJAX callback. It is primarily a developer utility, built for the purpose of offloading common functionality from other modules.



The Token replace AJAX module is essentially a very basic REST API with only one method:


Returns the token, replacement and any Drupal messages as a JSON object.


  • :token

    The token you wish to process in a standard token format.

    Example: [node:title]

  • entity_type (optional)

    An entity type to be used for the token data.

    Example: node

  • entity_id (optional)

    An entity id to be used for the token data.

    Example: 1

  • key (optional)

    An authorisation key for the Token being replaced, generated by the token_replace_ajax_access_key function.

    Only required if the user does not have the appropriate permission (access token_replace_ajax callback).

Example Request

GET token_replace/ajax/[node:title]?entity_type=node&entity_id=1

Example Result

  "token": "[node:title]",
  "value": "Node 1",
  "messages": {
    "data": [],
    "html": ""


Advanced usage

You can also POST an entity form to the endpoint (excluding the entity_type and entity_id parameters) and the module will create a dummy entity as the token data.


Supporting organizations: 
Primary development

Project information
