I'm doesn't understand anything… I have 2 tokens for 2 cck fields: for cck image path and cck text field.

If they are situated in the node text like this:
[token node field_image-filefield-filepath]
[token node field_name-raw]
they work as supposed:

John Broun

but if i change them like:
[token node field_image-filefield-filepath]
[token node field_name-raw]
Then second token (name) disappears:


For some reasons version 1.18 doesn't output node text atall if there is any of those tokens... The way i tested 1.18 — just replacing an old module directory with a new without running update.php, but I don't think that this is the matter.

P.S: Sorry for my english :-)


4abv’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

At first i thought, it happens only when first token reffers to emty cck field (or just incorrect). But described situation just killed me.

4abv’s picture

The problem desappearing when turning off pathauto module

4abv’s picture

I had to delete code on line 131 in pathauto.module:

if (!empty($object->book['plid']) && $parent = book_link_load($object->book['plid'])) {
           $values['bookpathalias-raw'] = drupal_get_path_alias($parent['href']);
           $values['bookpathalias']     = check_plain($values['bookpathalias-raw']);
4abv’s picture

But then, pathauto doesn't work

4abv’s picture

Ok, i extricated myself from this situation by changing

		if (!empty($object->book['plid']) && $parent = book_link_load($object->book['plid'])) {
		  $values['bookpathalias-raw'] = drupal_get_path_alias($parent['href']);
		  $values['bookpathalias']     = check_plain($values['bookpathalias-raw']);

on line 133 pathauto.module (version 6.x-1.6) to:

		if (arg(0) != 'node' && arg(2) != '') {
			if (!empty($object->book['plid']) && $parent = book_link_load($object->book['plid'])) {
			  $values['bookpathalias-raw'] = drupal_get_path_alias($parent['href']);
			  $values['bookpathalias']     = check_plain($values['bookpathalias-raw']);

So now, pathauto doesn't affect tokens inside node text

4abv’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Adding text