List only relevant translation jobs for users, based on the skills added in their profile. Currently all jobs were listing for review and skill sets were not checking even while submitting the translation.


deepak_zyxware created an issue.

Berdir’s picture

Please provide steps to reproduce.

There are multiple view displays and some of them should be filtered. We're open to making things better, patches welcome, I'd suggest you start with failing tests if possible to describe your use case.

deepakrmklm’s picture

Dear Berdir,

I believe there should be a strict checking for reviewing translations as well, based on the skill set added in the user profile. Currently I can view/review/publish/abort all translations (using Accept and reject translation jobs permission) irrespective of Skills added.

PS: For Creating translations, its working fine. It only lists 'Jobs assigned to the user' or 'Unassigned ones'.


deepakrmklm’s picture

Any update on this? If we can sort out solution here, I will be happy to take care of the development.

Berdir’s picture

Skills are currently only for translaters and the local translation sub-module at the moment, so if we'd add this then it would at least need to be configurable and off by default.

Also, filtering the list is also hard, but what would be easier to implement, also as a custom module is just limiting entity access for those operations so they would be in the list but users would not be allowed to accept/review.