tfd7 7.x-3.0-rc1

New features

This RC fixes nothing, but added the form alter from the now defunct tfd7extras module so sitebuilders can manipulate the cache target from /admin/config/media/file-system if needed.

If all goes well this will be the only and final RC for the 3.x branche before moving the module into stable state of slumbering.

tfd7 7.x-3.0-beta7

New features

Moved the cache directory locator to a new twigcache:// streamwrapper in the module.
This way developers can simply override one streamwrapper using a stream_wrapper_alter hook into something that fits their project more.

The default order remains the same

tfd7 7.x-3.0-beta5

Bug fixes

Small maintenance release that was long overdue. No changes, just tagging a beta5

tfd7 7.x-3.0-beta4

Bug fixes
New features

Closed issues :

Issue #2893576 by pacproduct: Current theme not taken into account when using viewblock()
Issue #2904991 by cyb.tachyon: Add support for theme namespaces

Added :

Backported xdebug_break() from D8 Module TLH.

tfd7 7.x-3.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Development release.

Changes since 7.x-3.0-beta2:

tfd7 7.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Merged the pull request by @davy from
Added fallback for local installed composer autoloader if the project is not under the control of composer-manager.
Added a @version in the twig.engine file as requested in #2760697

tfd7 7.x-3.0-beta1

New features

Do not do this on a production environment prior to testing in your development first! It is NOT a drop-in upgrade!

This branch is the start of the composer installable version as discussed in #2760335

In order to use this branch, physically remove the 7.2.x version of twig first. Then install this version in sites/themes/engines or use drush dl with the correct version.
After installing run composer install from the sites/themes/engines/tfd7 directory and rebuild the theme registry if needed.

tfd7 7.x-2.4

Bug fixes
New features

Fixed issue #2706475 Fatal errors when twig embedding is used.
Allowed customization of the twig environment after initialisation. (github #36)
Removed the fallback autoloader in favor for xautoload module.
Added twig.api.php with documentation for all the hooks tfd7 implements.

This release contains mostly fixes and addons from @fago & @sebcorbin, thank you :-)

tfd7 7.x-2.3

Bug fixes
New features


Added theme_path and current_path functions and three new test to check a variable.

Assume you have a theme called child and mother, and child is the current theme

theme_path function:
{% set current_theme_path = theme_path() %} = sites/..../themes/child/
{% set full_current_theme_path = theme_path({'absolute':true}) %} =

tfd7 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes
New features

Important changes in this release.

  • Implements the new Twig 1.22 (and 2.0) Twig_Cache_Interface (by Davy Rolink)
  • Refactored the TFD_Extension, all tfd_ methods are now part of the TFD_Extension class instead of procedural functions
  • Removed most of the hide() code, it's not going to work. Drupal Excpects by reference, Twig moves to $_context (*)
  • Added config variables to control the Twig engine
  • Various small bug fixes.

* Instead of using hide, use the |without filter like Drupal 8 does.

tfd7 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features
  • Added support for hashes in the URL method.
    {{url('node/9#anchor') }}
  • Improved template referencing in bas and child themes.
    {% extends ('basetheme::page.tpl.twig %} works if your current theme is base theme.

tfd7 7.x-2.0

New features

First version since becoming a full project.

Includes all the fixes and new filters created in the past weeks on the road of towards becoming a full project.

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