terms_of_use 8.x-2.3

Bug fixes
New features

Contributors (3)

Sutharsan, christophdemon, ivnish


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-2.2:

terms_of_use 8.x-2.2

Bug fixes
New features

Contributors (4)

rogerpfaff, ivnish, robcarr, jasonluttrell


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-2.1:

terms_of_use 8.x-2.0

Bug fixes
New features

Stable release with a full Drupal 9 support

terms_of_use 8.x-2.0-beta1

Initial beta release of 8.x-2.x, which include the basic functionality of the module.

terms_of_use 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Terms of Use: July 8, 2012 7:47 commit cdd6faf on 7.x-1.x by Kars-T
Changed some comments and removed some uneccessary code paths.

Terms of Use: July 7, 2012 23:43 commit 71967c4 on 7.x-1.x by Kars-T

Issue #1418842 by bart.hanssens: Fixed Invalid input syntax for integer: 'autocomplete' with entitycache.
Issue #1461942 by fp: Fixed Typo in watchdog.
Issue #1492602 by Norberto Ostallo: Fixed Update terms_of_use().info.
Issue #1378600 by vbouchet, dsdeiz: Fixed Undefined language in user_registration_form_alter().

terms_of_use 6.x-1.13

Bug fixes

#921902 by David Lesieur: Fixed Remove misuse of i18nstrings.

terms_of_use 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

This is the first release for D7. As the simpletest is running again and shows no errors I feel that this will be a stable release. If not I do patches asap.

Please notice that I did remove my crappy i18n implementation. So currently you can run this module only in one language.

terms_of_use 7.x-1.0

This is the first release for D7. As the simpletest is running again and shows no errors I feel that this will be a stable release. If not I do patches asap.

Please notice that I did remove my crappy i18n implementation. So currently you can run this module only in one language.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.12

Bug fixes

Added CSS file terms_of_use.css missing from the last release.
#797200 by nyleve101: Fixed When supplying a terms page link, we now show the entire terms on the page.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.11

New features
Bug fixes

May 11, 2010
Releasing new version 6.x-1.11
Adding CHANGELOG.txt

May 10, 2010
Minor codingstyle change.
Changed the readme file and added some more current information and CVS tag.
Renamed the i18nstrings wrapper and missed one occasion.
Update to i18nstrings API

May 9, 2010
#299416 by Kars-T, roychri | Chill35, univac, errement, miro_dietiker: Added translations support.

May 5, 2010
Changed filter of the checkbox lable to filter_xss_admin so you can use basic HTML but be XSS safe.
Changed filter of the fieldset to filter_xss so you can use basic HTML but be XSS safe.

May 2, 2010
#719946 by iva2k | Kars-T: Fixed TOC Checkbox when admin creates an account - feature or bug?
Changed name of the checkbox from I_agree to terms_of_use.
Changed the algorthm that loads the terms node.
Some code cleanup.
Basic simpletest coverage ready.
Coder Module cleanup.
#421346 by roychri | Chill35: Fixed Double encoding on @link.
Adding spanish translation.
Changed german language file name to de.po

May 2, 2010
#554322 by jennifer.chang, Kars-T: Fixed notice: Undefined index: terms_of_use_node_id() .

April 29, 2010
Extended simpletest.
Fieldsetname in the warning message was not translated.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

This is the development release of terms of use. Please be aware that this is beta and might be unstable.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.9

New features
Bug fixes

Escaping of fieldset name and checkbox label added, thanks to nadavoid: http://drupal.org/node/346430
More friendly to the Locale module, and Translation-ready. http://drupal.org/node/299416
Add possibility to hide the Terms and only provide a link to them. http://drupal.org/node/291832

terms_of_use 6.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Fixed a theming bug. You can now override the theming function for the Terms using the $node object.
See http://drupal.org/node/291832.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.7

You can swap between specifying the node title and the node id.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.6

Fixed 2 bugs having to do with the module 'variables'.

  1. Small bug in the validation of node title.
  2. The node title variable is set now, when the node id is used.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Made the module PHP-4 compatible.

Cleaned up the Admin UI (very minor enhancements).

terms_of_use 6.x-1.4

New features

Improvements made to the Module configuration page: the Administrator can specify the node title, with autocompletion, or he/she can specify the node id, using Form API AHAH.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.1

Cleaned up the tabs/text to adhere to Drupal coding conventions.

terms_of_use 6.x-1.0

New features

First release.

Very simple module and it just works.

Don't forget to read the README.txt.

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