This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


This is a module that extends the code telephone module by including
the ability to select a type of telephone number (ie Cell, Work, Fax),
and also validated the number. It uses libphonenumber-php library
(port of google's libphonenumber library).

The module stores the telephone in number only format, displays the number
in "National" (PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL)format, and links the number in
RFC3966 format (PhoneNumberFormat::RFC3966). Fax numbers are displayed as
markup, using National format.


- telephone
- field_ui


Telephone_type must be installed via Composer, in order to get the required
libraries. The tarballs are provided for informative purposes only.

1. Add the repository

composer config repositories.drupal composer
This allows Composer to find Address and the other Drupal modules.

2. Download Telephone_type

composer require "drupal/telephone_type"
This will download the latest release of telephone_type.

See Using Composer in a Drupal project for more information.


Current maintainers:

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
