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This module aims to integrate Teamleader with Drupal.

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  • Adds ability to connect to Teamleader API via OAuth2 credentials.
  • Example module integrating with Drupal core Contact module: saves contact form submissions as CRM contacts.
  • Optional integration with Key module for storing OAuth2 client_id / client_secret


4.0.x branch

This branch uses the janhenkes/teamleader-php-sdk library to connect to Teamleader.
It is the currently active branch, and requires Drupal 10+ and PHP8.1+.

3.0.x branch

This branch uses semantic versioning, and is compatible with Drupal 8, 9 and 10. Upgrading from 8.x-1.x or 8.x-2.x should be trivial. This branch is no longer actively being maintained. Upgrading to 4.0.x is highly recommended.

7.x branches

Branches for Drupal 7 are no longer available and are not supported.


Check also this video tutorial showing how to integrate Teamleader & Drupal


Supporting organizations: 
Development of 4.0.x branch
Development of 3.0.x / 4.0.x branch + older Drupal 8 / 9 module
Initial development of 4.0.x branch
Drupal 7 module
Teamleader SDK for Drupal 7 version

Project information
