Image : T.C. Kimlik No

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

A CCK content field which lets you add a tckimlikno field to your content types and verifies valid Turkish identification number.

Requires the content module (CCK).

What is the Turkish ID Number?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkish Identification Number (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kimlik Numarası or abbreviated as T.C. Kimlik No.) is a unique personal identification number that is assigned to every citizen of Turkey.

Foreigners residing in Turkey at least six months for any purpose receive a Foreigner Identification Number, which is different from the Turkish Identification Number.

Also mode information please refer wikipedia at


* Drop the entire tckimlikno module directory into your 'sites/all/modules' folder
* Enable the module from the Administration area modules page (admin/build/modules)
* Create or Edit a CCK content-type and add a new field of type tckimlikno (admin/content/types)

Verification of the Identification Number

The identification number is a unique 11-digit number given by the MERNIS computer on the basis of the citizen's registration record that is kept by the registration office.

The number does not reflect any personal information about the citizen. It is not possible to change the identification number once applied.

The personal identification number is composed of numbers only and can not have a leading zero. The rightmost two digits of the 11-digit identification number are check digits added to enable error detection.

Project information

  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Created by gurayc on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
