taxonomy_router 6.x-4.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Removal of some debug code from the first V4 BETA. Apologies if anyone saw this. Code tidy(ier) than before. Permissions are now fairly generic - 'view content'.

taxonomy_router 6.x-4.0-beta1

New features

Added new URL forms, explicitly stating type 'nodes' or 'terms' for paging. Loaders now check all parts of path are valid. New feature on two URL forms allows multiple tid references, as with ?q=taxonomy/term.

taxonomy_router 6.x-3.0

New features

Inherits several code adjustments and the admin overhaul. If you havn't been following along, gets a pager. Adds a new generic renderer and templates.

taxonomy_router 6.x-1.0-beta1

Beta because untested outside development system. Structurally unthreatening. either it works for you, or it doesn't.

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