taxonomy_permissions 8.x-1.x-dev

This is the development snapshot of Taxonomy Permissions for Drupal 8.

It is completely unusable at this point.

8.x-1.x-dev was branched from 7.x-1.1, and it's here so that porting can begin and patches can be posted against it.

taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

This is version 1.1 of Taxonomy Permissions for Drupal 7.

Changes since 1.0:
- Add a dummy test that never fails, to keep d.o's testbot happy.
Bugs fixed:
- Make local cache of accessible vids by-user.
- #2712973 by Nixou: Entity reference and optional relationship.

taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.0

This is version 1.0 of Taxonomy Permissions for Drupal 7.

After running RC1 for two years (without any bug reports) and with currently 513 known installations, we feel confident that it's working as intended.

taxonomy_permissions 7.x-1.0-rc1

This is RC1 of Taxonomy Permissions for Drupal 7.

RC1 is a release candidate. It's functionally identical to the initial -dev snapshot.

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