Maybe this isn't the right module or I am just not understanding it, lol.

It seems all this does it hide ALL tags for certain nodes?

I am looking for something that will hide certain tags from being displayed on the node.

For example I use tags to group and place content throughout the site, but I don't want everyone seeing the terms I use - but would like them to see the terms relevant to the page. Is that possible with this mod?


FR6’s picture

-Install the module
-Go to Administer > Configuration > Taxonomy hide (admin/settings/taxonomy_hide)
-Select the vocabularies that you want to hide

mattwmc’s picture

Thanks for replying, but I am still lost.

Where do you select the certain tags you want hidden?

Screen Shot:

mattwmc’s picture

So not possible?

FR6’s picture

Sorry, I don't think that you can hide only a specific term. You can only hide a vocabulary.

mattwmc’s picture

Thats a bummer. Now I can't use tags on my site. :(

kakaka’s picture

If you are using tags for two unrelated purposes (i.e. (1) to control page display (a 'hidden' use) and (2) to provide information for site visitors (a 'visible' use)) then you should use two distinct vocabularies to implement these two distinct uses. (This is a matter of good design, BTW, not just a workaround).

Once you separate your terms into those two vocabularies (both of which can be associated with the same node type) you can hide one from visitors and expose the other.

mattwmc’s picture

Yeah I finally figured that out, lol!

I was getting confused regarding the "free tags" and rest of the tags.

I created a Vocab called "Placement" and use that. I used a couple different tax mods to hide them and moved them from the free tags to "Placement."

Works great!

stinky’s picture

I was looking for a mod to suppress showing a specific term too.

Dublin Drupaller’s picture

#8 ditto for me. I have some tax terms called "not applicable" for required terms that I would like to hide. am looking at maybe creating a patch for this module....anyone else gone down this road before?


p.s. drupal 7 allows you to do this from the taxonomy-term.tpl.php

Dublin Drupaller’s picture

Title: What am I missing? How to hide certain Tags? » hiding certain taxonomy terms or tags
mattwmc’s picture

I think this is what I used: