
I am using CCK Fieldgroup Tabs 6.x-1.2 and Tabs 6.x-1.3 on Drupal 6.15
Recent upgrade to Tabs 6.x-1.3 has encountered the following problems:

Once Take captions from tab titles: is enabled on the settings screen it will not disable even though "The configuration options have been saved" message is displayed at the top of the settings screen.

Linking to a specific tabset now only loads the default tabset where before the chosen tabset would load.
ie http://localhost.mysite.test/something/somepage#tabset-tab-4
will now only load http://localhost.mysite.test/something/somepage#tabset-tab-2 (the default tab)

Any suggestions on how to remedy these issues?


apmac’s picture

Should point out that the problem with:
Linking to a specific tabset now only loads the default tabset where before the chosen tabset would load.
ie http://localhost.mysite.test/something/somepage#tabset-tab-4
will now only load http://localhost.mysite.test/something/somepage#tabset-tab-2 (the default tab)

only applies to legacy content and all newly created content still allows the chosen tabset to be loaded. Reason being previous releases used the convention #tabs-tabset-5 and current release uses #tabset-tab-5 therefore all links created before module upgrade are broken.
