I've made a new module that uses this tabs API. It's called CCK Textfield tabs.

It basically provides an output formatter for CCK textfields. All you need to do is make a multifield textfield and set it's "Display" to "Tabs".

Each of the fields within the textfield become individual tabs. For the tab title, you add the string [title:xxxxxx] to the start of the text somewhere and it's extracted to make the tab title.

Should I create a seperate project page for this? I assume that's the correct course of action because it's what the other two have done.

Thanks for the cool API!


larskleiner’s picture

I would like to see this module both on its own project page and included into the module listing on http://drupal.org/project/tabs

nedjo’s picture

Yes, please go ahead and create a project, and I'll be happy to list it when it's posted. Thanks!