
This is a free Drupal 8 module that enables support representatives to chat with customers on their websites. It is designed to be a plug-and-play solution with limited configuration required. This module stands in contrast to other Drupal 8 chat modules that either do not have the requisite features for a customer support department or require some form of payment/subscription to use effectively. Short polling is used to retrieve chats/messages.

This module was created by the BYU MSE Web Team.


  1. Chat between a customer and a support representative.
  2. Screen customers' inquiries when they queue for the chat.
  3. Enable support representatives to transfer chats to other active representatives.
  4. Optionally encrypt messages using the Encrypt and Key modules.
  5. Key elements of the support chat are configurable, including the following:
    • Polling refresh rates
    • Encryption
    • Screening question and selectable options


For a good theme that includes both frontend dependencies (jQuery and Bootstrap): Font Awesome icons are also used very sparingly; however, they will be replaced in a future update. (Note: These dependencies are not required if SupportChat visibility is disabled on the configuration page in order to use a custom frontend, as described below.)


  1. After installing this module, go to /admin/config/support_chat/configuration to begin setting up the module.
    • The polling refresh rate determines how often a poll will be sent from the client. Currently, short polling is the only supported communication method.
    • SupportChat Visibility options determine where the *customer* will see the chat button.
  2. If you want messages to be encrypted, follow the steps in the Encryption section below.
  3. Give the 'Chat as Support Representative' permission to a new or existing role. Give the 'Access Support Chat' permission to Anonymous users, Authenticated users, or both, depending on whether or not you want customers to be logged in.
    • Note: If you give the 'Access Support Chat' permission to Anonymous users but not Authenticated users, please make sure that whatever authenticated role has the 'Chat as Support Representative' permission also has the 'Access Support Chat' permission. Some of the API endpoints check for this permission.
  4. Add the "Support Rep chat window" block to a page; this will be the page that support reps access to chat with customers.
    • To add this block to a page, go to /admin/structure/block, scroll down to "Content", click on "Place block", and search for "Support Rep chat window". You may then click on "Place block" and configure the block to appear only on a certain page and only for certain roles (ie. those to which you have given the 'Chat as Support Representative' permission).

The chat queue will be closed by default; it can be opened by a support representative or administrator. Customers cannot queue themselves if it is closed.

To setup a custom frontend, skip step 4 above, go to the /admin/config/support_chat/configuration, and select the 'Disable' option under 'SupportChat Visibility'.


In order to use the encryption functionality of this module, you will need to install the Encrypt and Key modules. Here are some recommendations when installing/configuring these modules:

  1. Install a plugin that integrates with the Encrypt module, like Real AES, in order to get an encryption algorithm to be used by the Encrypt module.
  2. Generate a key using this command on a Unix terminal: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 > /path/to/secret.key`
    • Store the key file on your system outside of the web root. This encourages real security.
  3. Create a key in /admin/config/system/keys and point it to the file created in the last step.
  4. Create an encryption profile in /admin/config/system/encryption/profiles. This profile will make use of whatever encryption algorithm you installed in step 1.
  5. Go to the /admin/config/support_chat/configuration page and enable encryption, then select the newly created encryption profile.

Project information
