Substitute Password
  • This module allows administrators to set a temporary password (substitute password) to all individual user accounts which can be assigned any role subjected to the requirements.
  • This module is primarily used for the website developers and administrators to easily set the substitute password and access the user account/s in case of emergency requirements, irrespective of the roles assigned they can check what the functionalities and permissions assigned for the users in the site.
  • Admin has the complete control over this feature, a substitute password can be setup and can be rolled back anytime by an Admin.
  • There will be two options(“Rollback password” & “Set substitute password”) provided in the form of links in the admin panel, password switchover can be done by just clicking on the link.
  • This module is absolutely secured as it takes a backup of the old password and it won’t be lost at any point of time.
  • This module shouldn’t be confused with the ‘password reset’ functionality as the purpose is different, particular account access can be provided to anyone when there is a need and can be revoked once the purpose is solved.
  • We can avoid creating multiple account creations and can manage with very few accounts using this module which avoid the fuzz.
  • To reiterate, this module is useful only for website developers & administrators not for end users.
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