I'm actually trying to get the subform module upgraded (long overdue) and it's conflicting with theme_subform() in subform_element. Is it a big deal for subform_element to change theme_subform() to something like theme_subform_element()?


rconstantine’s picture

I agree. Bad form to not use the module's complete name in every function. +1 for the change.

fago’s picture

Title: function conflict with subform module » properly prefix theme functions
Version: 5.x-1.3 » 6.x-1.x-dev
Category: support » task

agreed, but for 5.x it's too late. -> set it to 6.x

deekayen’s picture

If it makes a difference, I grepped my checkout of DRUPAL-5 as follows:

pleaseignore:contributions5 davidnorman$ grep -R "theme_subform(" modules
modules/subform_element/subform_element.module:function theme_subform(&$element) {
pleaseignore:contributions5 davidnorman$ grep -R "theme_subform(" themes
pleaseignore:contributions5 davidnorman$