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Security: This module is considered insecure by Drupal security team and all of it's releases have been unpublished. You are strongly encouraged to disable the module on your site.

This module allows us to create new subdomain through drupal.
It has settings page there all information related to cPanel will be stored.

Intially it allows you to create and delete subdomain.

Tested on Drupal 5.x.

To know your cPanel setting login to your cPanel. Look at URL in your browser
It would look somewhat similar to

Here your cPanel theme name will be x that is after "/frontend/" to next slash("/")
Your extension will be php that is anything after "index.".
your domain name will be that is after "www." to ":".
And cPanel username and password by which you are logged in.

These info will be needed on settings page of this module.
Then you can create as many as subdomain you want through Administer->Subdomain link.

This is dev release not for production use. Please post any bug or feature request to this project issue tracker.

Project information
