You should not be able to create a TimeTracking for a completed task. At the very least, completed tasks should be filtered from the selection list for creating or editing a TimeTracking.


Magnity’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.9 » 6.x-1.x-dev
Category: bug » feature

Consider the scenario - I've just finished a task, mark it as complete, then go on to log my hours for that task ...

Perhaps there could be a setting "hide completed tasks".

squ1rr3l’s picture

True, that's a valid scenario. A "hide completed tasks" option would probably work, but you could always go back and un-complete a task, then add your hours. The difficulty is having dozens of completed tasks on the list that are indistinguishable from the open tasks, including the one you're trying to add time for.

If there were a visual cue in the list, a divider line, or something to separate the current/new tasks from the ones that are already done it would be helpful. As it is, there is no way to filter that list at all for the drop-down.

partyp’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.x-dev » 6.x-1.33

I am having the same problem, but with creating tickets. When I create a ticket I usually try and assign it to a task. When I go to assign it to the task, I see all of the completed tasks along with the other tasks. This makes it impossible to distinguish between which tasks are not completed unless you go to the tasks page and check to see what is open.

tchurch’s picture

I would suggest expanding this for all Storm node types so that completed nodes are not displayed in any drop-down lists.
The issue with this is that the status for project/task/ticket/expenses are user configured through the attributes, so hard-coding it to 'completed' is a bad idea.

A suggestion would be to have an admin setting for each node type which can be populated with a list of status codes that are considered 'closed' (you could have completed, cancelled, closed etc...). That way, site admins can configure what is not shown in the drop-down lists for each node type.

I can see this being useful when a manager 'closes' a task as completed so that employees can't assign time/tickets etc... to that task anymore.

What do you think?

tchurch’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.33 » 6.x-1.x-dev

Any comments? As a new feature, it should go into the -dev version, I think.

juliangb’s picture

We could use the current search attributes or their replacement?

tchurch’s picture

Maybe could expand this to cover the following issues:
#835360: Flag - invoice "sent to customer".
#468694: Completed tasks
#782858: Allowing viewing/adding to "not published" invoices

1) New column on an attribute - "locked". If this attribute should be treated as not allowed (if function available). A tick box, like active/default.
2) A new attribute for "invoice status" - Users can define their own values but defaults would be:
draft, final (locked), sent (locked).
3) Change viewing of invoices in drop-down for "add to existing" to not show locked invoice numbers.
4) Remove "edit"/"delete" options from all Storm node types if node is locked.
5) Change all drop-down lists to remove locked items (so users cannot add sub-items to completed/locked items).

Open points:
1) New permissions to allow view/edit/delete of locked items?
May not be needed. Just change status if you want to change it.

I would try and split the patches logically over the issues to add the features in the correct place.