spamspan 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes
New features

Add a summary here

Contributors (5)

Anybody, fenstrat, johnzzon, rodrigoac, tobiasb


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

spamspan 3.1.6

Bug fixes


Issues: 1 issue resolved.

Changes since 3.1.5:


  • #3376221: New unexpected classes now added to email

spamspan 3.1.5

Bug fixes


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.4:


  • #3376745 by Grevil, Anybody, mullzk: Display of Email addresses containing an "at" (characters) is broken

spamspan 3.1.4

Bug fixes


Issues: 1 issue resolved.

Changes since 3.1.3:


  • #3375804 by Grevil, Anybody, joevagyok: JavaScript not properly clearing the data attributes, when multiple classes are set

spamspan 3.1.3

Bug fixes


Issues: 1 issue resolved.

Changes since 3.1.2:


  • #3374943 by Anybody, Grevil: Rebuild container after update to avoid "ArgumentCountError" for the "SpamspanExtension"

spamspan 3.1.2

Bug fixes
New features


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.1:


  • #3374579: SpamSpan breaks markup
  • #3372537: Extra attributes of the a tag are rendered


spamspan 3.1.0

Bug fixes


Issues: 15 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.0-beta2:

spamspan 3.0.0-beta2

This release adds compatibility with Drupal 10.

While 8.x-1.x is solely based on using regex, 8.x-2.x and 3.x make use of both DOM and regex. There won't be a Drupal 10 compatible release based only on regex.

spamspan 8.x-1.3

Bug fixes

8.x-1.x versions are based solely on regular expression matching which is limited. In 8.x-2.x, DOM is being used for parsing link tag nodes and text nodes in order to find email addresses (see: The goal is to deprecate 8.x-1.x eventually. In the meantime, for maintenance purposes, this release re-organized the code, hopefully without any breaking changes and then contains several bug fixes.

spamspan 8.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

This release extends the list of allowed tags in email links content and then contains a few minor fixes.

spamspan 8.x-2.0-beta1

New features

Beta release which initiates the transition of spamspan module towards using DOM for parsing link tag nodes and text nodes in order to find email addresses. The current stable release relies only on regular expressions.


spamspan 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes

The release includes minor bug fixes and updates for Drupal 9 compatibility.

Issues included in this release:

spamspan 8.x-1.1

Security update

This release resolves SA-CONTRIB-2020-002.

Changes since 8.x-1.0:

  • By JeroenT, vitalie: fixed xss vulnerability - the spamspan twig filter was unexpectedly by-passing auto-escaping

spamspan 8.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes

Moving towards a stable release. There were no critical issues for a long time. Let's wait another month.

Issues included in this release since alpha1:

spamspan 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Final release from me. Fixes all the release blocker issues. There are a few changes needing backporting to D6. I do not have a D6 site. Hopefully someone else will step in.

spamspan 7.x-1.1-beta2

Bug fixes

Code refactor to reduce memory use on regular page views.
Applied patch #12 from, Spamspan incompatible with big base64 inline images

spamspan 7.x-1.1-beta1

Initial release for Drupal 7.

The filter api has changed substantially in D7, so there has been some fairly major rewriting of the code. There are a few changes to be aware of in particular:

spamspan 6.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Version 6.x-1.5 was broken. This new release fixes the problem, but reverts bug #723460 (images within mailto links). I will work on that separately.

spamspan 6.x-1.5

Bug fixes

This release has a critical bug. Please use 1.6 instead

The "sorry it took so long" release.

Fixes a number of bugs, including:

regression bugs
#723460 fix for nested image links - thanks deleron
#153925 fix for spaces in query string of mailto
#906474 include unusual characters in local parts
#356425 checkbox in admin should not be marked as required'
#592880 missing quotes round constant definition

spamspan 6.x-1.5-beta1

New features

Well, you asked for it. mailto: URI parameters now work properly

spamspan 6.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Bug fixes, in particular to fix problems with views and parameters in mailto: URLs. At the moment, mailto: parameters will be silently ignored.

spamspan 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

- Ensure XHTML validation in image tags
- Change unit tests to use simpletest module
- Coder module and drupal doc standards fixes

This release just tidies up existing code. It provides no new features, but it does fix an annoying XHTML validation bug.

spamspan 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

#293291 - fixed support for converting mailto: tags
Changing po directory to translations
Adding Russian translation (thanks greenmother)

spamspan 6.x-1.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

This is the development version for Drupal-6. It may not work, so use it at your own risk.

spamspan 6.x-1.1

New features

#293291 - support for converting mailto: tags

spamspan 5.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Release incorporating some old changes made just in CVS

#174374 - settings are no longer per format, but are global. Also deals with #174368 (dots in local parts) and #119164 (function for integration with other modules)

spamspan 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Now allows tags to be tested within a mailto: tag

spamspan 5.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes
  • Added Greek translation - thanks to Vasileios Lourdas
  • By popular demand, convert mailto: links

spamspan 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes
  • Overhauled regular expression to catch more email addresses.
  • Various bugfixes
  • Documentation of appropriate filter order

spamspan 5.x-1.0

First release for Drupal 5.

Code from Drupal 4.7 version has been optimised, but javascript (now jquerified) is now loaded on each page, whether needed or not. This is more reliable, at the expense of page-load overhead.

spamspan 5.x-1.x-dev

NB: This is a development snapshot. Use at your own risk - the code may be broken.

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