I have installed the Domain-Module and it would be awesome if you could save "profiles" for each domain (admin/config/media/socialmedia/profiles).

On the "Settings"-Tab (http://thezooproject.dev/admin/config/media/socialmedia) there´s a control for "Domain-Specific Settings" at the end.


bcobin’s picture

+1 here - to elaborate, it seems like domain-specific settings are only partially implemented - it seems that appearance and behavior can be individually set, but profiles are shared across all domains, which makes the domain-specific settings only marginally useful, if at all.

See http://drupal.org/node/1556470 where the developer of Domain suggests using hook_domain_batch() - this would be very cool!

Bill Choy’s picture

To make get domain access to support socialmedia profiles, you need to get store the information in the variables table, instead of the socialmedia_profile table. The domain settings fieldset get inserted by domain_settings_form_alter, which does the following test. And we don't use system_settings_form_submit

function domain_settings_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  $_domain = domain_get_domain();

  // Remove settings that cannot be used reliably.
  if (!user_access('access domain settings form') || // Does the user have access?
      !isset($form['#submit']) || // Is there a submit handler?
      !in_array('system_settings_form_submit', $form['#submit']) || // Is the handler the default?
      !domain_settings_add_element($form_id)) // Is this form_id allowed?

I can

bcobin’s picture


You trailed off with "I can" just as it was getting interesting! Is there a useful solution here? (I'm not a coder, otherwise I'd be glad to be more helpful.)

Please... go on! Thanks...

4fs’s picture

+ 1. Any progress on this. Perhaps a patch anyone?

rtdean93’s picture

Any word on this progress?

rattusrattus’s picture
