
Download social-8.x-1.0-rc6-core.tar.gztar.gz 23.9 MB
MD5: c814d47f48ef33b3f5103cd41eea717a
SHA-1: 32005fa6a5e4f2e861865baf039cefb2b61a34b5
SHA-256: 24f2497e3884fe568d65202a2ca46c9cd0347924a598c047745ab186d0d33d04
Download social-8.x-1.0-rc6-core.zipzip 35.48 MB
MD5: df5c26c40a542096d0b4ccdddbd42401
SHA-1: 5e43bf20ac24b395a6f2e0873590f6ab10b28fcf
SHA-256: 98f6755421ddf169568dbccf1779f68b076ed1b210ea757e829ba8260b97cd9c
Download social-8.x-1.0-rc6-no-core.tar.gztar.gz 11.71 MB
MD5: 9a7edd1bfef27845364779d829420a27
SHA-1: 14ec54b814298512a1ac2a40a4ef2b46b2f03979
SHA-256: fb4bac04f73e2cb0e053f0207ce2dcd8a79b6c1ad9bbe4ce2a46e6f2198dafea
Download social-8.x-1.0-rc6-no-core.zipzip 14.85 MB
MD5: 8cda38eaa4faaee8a9a3450f8cf7e1f4
SHA-1: 2b46ac9f52dfc00e53997abdfbdd4c154f88b8b5
SHA-256: 77ab59e1b2a2acfbfea1c91e2bb642fc9848dc1b21941d769e558f6261401cd1
Download social-8.x-1.0-rc6.tar.gztar.gz 9.75 MB
MD5: 8b15b878f736baea393cf0a56f40b137
SHA-1: a4a3ae7e7b7c5b29e66948878e013d998c19f709
SHA-256: f8082a2377d220cbdbab199129d7d62bc2740975a9394086f3916c68ee2aa31a
Download social-8.x-1.0-rc6.zipzip 10.93 MB
MD5: 32b1dff1c53cb49c05f3f5c58d0de8bf
SHA-1: 8cf9da0f1a5a0e41dafc91121b84d5499a9b51a1
SHA-256: 3652b096cf63df1e5e0751edc45aeb21c0ad4b1bca2b2eae6c0d6e9bfd6445a3

Release notes

Warning: there is a known issue in rc6 (in Flagging entity, only when you installed Open Social before April 6, 2017: which prevents you from running all the update code. Test it out first on your local machine! We have fixed and released this. Also a core update has been done. Please check Release Candidate 8, which contains both fixes.

Release candidate 6:

As a SM I want to be able to disable the tooltips shown in the platform
As of this version, the onboarding platform introduction will start automatically for all users. SM now have a settings page available under configuration > opensocial settings. Here the SM can set if he wants to enable tips for end users on the platform. Also every tip now has an option to disable all tips on the platform

As a LU I want to be able to upload a single photo to a post
In a new feature we’ve added, it is now possible to attach photo’s to a post. You can add photo’s to posts to the community, public posts, posts to another user and posts in a group.

As a LU I want to create a closed group, where only group members can see the content
With this new feature you are now able to create a closed group. A closed group makes it possible to create a group where members can only join by invitation from one of the group managers. The stream, events and topics created in the closed group are not visible to people that are not member of the group. A non-group member is only allowed to read the about page, the group manager and the members in the group. Deleting a closed group will also delete all of the content within the group.

As a developer I want to use private file paths instead of public file paths for file uploads on entities and in WYSIWYG
Since the private file system is not required in Drupal Core installs we should not enforce it during installation. We should at least inform the user to set this up. We added an optional module which can be enabled during installation and which will be enabled for all the existing installs who already have set up the private file system. Enabling this module will ensure that the file uploads on Open Social entities in file fields and WYSIWYG (full html + basic html) are using the Private File System. More info:

As a CM+ I should be able to manage content inside groups I am not a member of
The Content manager role or higher is now able to see and manage all content from all groups by default. With the RC1 release of Groups 8 module came a new architecture regarding permissions. Now when a CM+ role joins a group or is being added to a group, we grant the user a new role called “Group Admin”. This way the user keeps his power over all groups. The role of “Group Admin” can not be set by a Site manager or Content manager.

As a LU I want to be able to add files like pdf, doc to a comment
Just enable the module ‘social_comment_upload’ and you will be able to add attachments to comments.

Increment minutes for timepickers with bigger steps
Changes the steps attribute on time fields from 1 to 5 for improved usage on mobile and aligned the datepicker widget on desktop with this change.

As a LU, I want to set event end date more easily
Added validation on providing start and end dates to make sure a correct period of time is set. Also highlights the period of time in the calendar widget.

As a AN+ I want to know if I clicked on a button successfully or not on mobile.
Added active state with a bit of opacity for non-button links and added the waves-effect on a few extra primary and default buttons.

Set entity to a form_state after saving
Fixed when we use additional fields from the profile module for registration, these fields aren't filled because $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity() returns non-saved user account object.

Fix titles for create topic and event in group
Fixed a regression related with recent Group module update on titles on group node creation pages.

Update features with new group permissions
Fix changed permission names after update of the group module

Change Requests and bugfixes

Created by: jochemvn
Created on: 19 Jun 2017 at 12:32 UTC
Last updated: 22 Jun 2017 at 09:35 UTC
Bug fixes
New features

Other releases