This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

SMSBAO gateway for SMS Framework
SMS Framework短信宝网关
提供基于SMS Framework短信宝平台整合.
You can be very convenient to send text messages to Chinese users
SMS is a very stable, very fast sending SMS service provider. The verification code can be received within 3-5 seconds, supporting international SMS, and providing perfect installation instructions for short interface docking.
Use installation instructions
Ensure that the smsframework module is installed and enabled
1. - ->SMS SMSBAO module system management background, you can select and save.
1.系统管理后台->模块->SMS SMSBAO ,选择并保存,即可。
2.Enter the system admin - > SMS Framework-> Gateway configuration SMS SMSBAO, select the configuration message information can be preserved treasure.
2.进入系统管理后台-> SMS Framework-> Gateway configuration,选择 SMS SMSBAO 进行配置短信宝信息,保存即可。
3.Enter the system background ->SMS Framework->SMS User Options, configure SMS template and open.
3.进入系统后台->SMS Framework->SMS User Options,配置短信模版和开启。

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Created by smsbao on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
