
This module provides integration to SMS Framework for the RouteSMS gateway. It allows the users of SMS Framework module to send SMS using RouteSMS as a gateway.


This module requires the SMS Framework module.


To use this module:

  1. Enable it at Admin >> Modules (/admin/modules)
  2. Navigate to Admin >> SMS Framework >> Gateway Configuration, then click on the "configure" link next to RouteSMS Gateway (/admin/smsframework/gateways/routesms)
  3. Fill in your api details as provided you by RouteSMS
  4. Fill in a mobile number (full international code without the '+') to which a confirmatory SMS will be sent.
  5. Click "Save"
  6. Set RouteSMS as your default gateway at Admin >> SMS Framework >> Gateway Configuration (/admin/smsframework/gateways)
  7. Test sending messages.
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