sliderfield 7.x-2.1-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

WARNING : A lot has changed in this release many new features are added, since it's a beta release make sure that it works well for you before using it on production server.

sliderfield 7.x-2.0-alpha4

New features
Bug fixes

* tabs converted to spaces in js file
* new example for element status change added
* Incorrect Min title for input field removed
* readme updated
* #1970086: Optionally trigger element's change event for special use cases Fixing all ajax issues, now fully working
* New example for demonstrating ajax usage
* undefined sliderfield_validate_integer error while using ajax fixed

sliderfield 7.x-2.0-alpha3

New features
Bug fixes

* several more examples added to example module
* another undefined index fixed
* Fixing issue 2580132 Fatal Error PHP 5.4
* #2010444: Minimum/Maximum value from field not loaded when updating content Fixing adjustable min/max submition and validation

sliderfield 7.x-2.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

* Fix notice undefined #value2
* Example module for testing and demonstration added
* All the issue related to transfer_slider element fixed
* Transfer slider form element issue are fixed and it's back again
* Adding sample code for transfer slider element to README
* Correcting readme contributes

sliderfield 7.x-2.0-alpha1

* Code to upgrade from version 1 and migrate from jslider_field
* Renaming form element to slider instead of sliderfield
* README updated to cover latest changes
* Renaming the module from jslider_field to sliderfield
* Transfer slider removed, it wasn't working properly and it's possible to implement it using the main widget anyway

sliderfield 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

The sliderfield module provides a new widget for number fields (decimal, float, and integer). When creating a numeric field, select the slider widget. Three properties are mandatory: min, max, and step.

This project uses the jQuery UI slider included with core.

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