ok, so these are the feature i would like to impose on this project. feel free to hop on / argue with what you want!

cck and views led project. so that would involve a blog content type, and a blog-entry content type. though, if the aim of the site was solely as a blog, fields such as blog title or blog description (that would fit into the blog content type) wouldn't be needed as they could be put in the site information section. however, i think with the ability of adding pages, and to allow the user to grow their site as they want, it would be handy to have a blog content type to store such data.

blog-entry content type could have some leeway into how it is shown. obviuosly title, and body fields, but what about a cheesy 'listening to' field, what about another field the user may want, ie, if the user is an avid book reader 'currently reading' etc. that should somehow be easily editable in the system (obviously it will be with cck types, but just thinking aloud here). this would allow the user to personlise the blog setup.

views needed would be: a view to show all the blogs with teaser ordered by published date desc also showing tax terms, show latest blog entries, latest comments? and lots more that i can't currently think of.

the handling of images needs consideration, i'm leaning towards imagefield and creating someway to allow those to be inserted inline. this would have the advantage that the images are nodes and could be made as a gallery / whatever for the future. tbh, i don't have that much experience of the image modules, so if someone knows better then please pipe up! however, i'd like it to be workable with imagecache as this allows the user to make their images larger / smaller as necessary.

other nice features
lightbox2? maybe. comments, flag this comment as abusive, emfield would be nice. content profile for additional profiles? though, that may just complicate things. the facebook style user updates, that provides a nice 'twitter' style ' is happy' type thing which i like! taxonomy manager to make tax term handling easier?

definite modules: cck, views, scheduler, an rte such as fckeditor, (image stuff), imagecache, link (for cck), date, and jscalendar (for nice date selection of published times), captcha and captcha pack, admin menu, filefield, imageapi, pathauto, token,

all i can think of for now!


Babalu’s picture


George2’s picture

forgot rss stuff, so rss aggregation, perhaps setup some default news feeds just to give a working example.

add blocks of user links - done with views and cck for a druprole (!) style block.

fivestar for voting? maybe, let them eat cake etc.

google analytics, adsense? (i think the problem with analytics and lightbox2 has been resolved fully now - stella will know)

forgot to add "THIS WILL BE FOR DRUPAL 6 PEOPLE, NOT 5",

add1sun’s picture

also, just fyi, we already have issues for editor and image handling, which are givens so we can have detailed discussion of those features in those threads. We should agree on the features to put in for a phase 1 and then create an issue for each one.
#202537: Add editor/markup filter(s)
#202536: Add GUI image handling

George2’s picture

whilst i'm thinking of them, and this is my scratchpad at least, user roles, editors, subscribers, admin, contributors etc, which brings into question the autoassignrole issues.

EclipseGc’s picture

*blinks* ok... guess I should get in on this. :-)

Since this issue seems to be our scratch pad of ideas for the 6.x features... let's prioritize what's most important.

  1. Blog Content type via CCK
  2. Views of:
    1. Blog Teasers (for /blog and all the different taxonomy terms which would be argumented)
    2. A block defining taxonomy terms and how many posts are in each of them
    3. A block that lists recent months and how many posts were made in each of them
  3. Path Auto/Token settings need to be easier to setup to begin with. The objective being that all the taxonomy and individual blog settings should be done once install is done. Making the user hunt this down (in this application) is the wrong way to go about it.
  4. Image Handling -- I'll make a case for this on the issue Add1sun posted, but I'd strongly suggest we look at imagefield gallery. This biggest issue here is setup and the fact that it's not ready for D6 (Pet project alert)
  5. Rich Text Editory -- I personally lean towards Tinymce, but as this is last on my list of priorities... I really feel we should get to this topic when we get to it... Plenty of other work to do in the mean time.
  6. Comment settings on install

That's my own list of priorities. I think drupal handles the RSS just fine as is... if we want to build a block that makes it a bit more obvious, I wouldn't complain. Auto-assign role issues seem out of scope to me for a single user blog. In fact roles and editors all seem out of scope for this. Multi-user blog profile will probably need that stuff when we make it that far, but I think this is a bit early to consider such stuff. 5 star and voting also seems out of scope for this. If someone wants those features then they can install them like the rest of us (imo). I'd just prefer to not see the kitchen sink thrown into this.

I've not used scheduler, but I con promise that will change this week. So I'll express an opinion later.

As far as image stuff goes, I'd like to think I've worked with this a lot and have some clue of what I'm talking about, but as I said I'll make that case in the issue Add1sun posted.


add1sun’s picture

Some quick thought as I head out the door. I agree with EclipseGC that we need to keep the scope narrowly focused right now. Roles make no sense in a single-user blog, since well it is for a single user.

Keep in mind that the existing profile sets up the content type, sets default pathauto settings and uses views. Adding something of a wizard for users to pick their own pathauto settings could be cool.

I'm not sure that I see why we need CCK for a blog post content type.

Re: editors and images, I'll continue in those threads.

Also, there is already a Multi-User blog profile (http://drupal.org/project/drupalmu) though I don't know why they haven't made any releases for it.

George2’s picture

how about a simple method of changing the header image in a theme? so maybe adding that as a var to a default theme? i'm liking the look of the zubrick theme actually atm http://drupal.org/project/zubrick haven't actually used it mind!

George2’s picture

Version: 5.x-1.x-dev » 6.x-1.x-dev
pp’s picture


my idea for single blog:
- few usable things better than many complicated things
- The installation method should be shorter than 15 steps.
- Users do not like many changes, just few! But few variations are important so then the user can feel that the blog is his or hers. Example: The users don't want to set up every variation of blog path, just they want to change between two or three variations. ( I read the TO DO in the profile and I know George2 thinks same. ;))
- Every often used function is accessible with one click. (I suggest my module: http://drupal.org/project/blogaid )
- I am not sure the image gallery is necessary. Users will be able to upload and resize images, and add those to a node. If users want image gallery, they use Flickr.com or other photo sharing site. I suggest using BUEditor and IMCE. (The FCKEditor and TinyMCE settings are too complicated in 6.x, but not impossible. I suggest using these in the 7.x version) The Imagefield and Imagecache are good choices but I don't know them enough.
- I was not sure if the Views is necessary, but I read the thread and now I think the Views is a good idea. ;)
- I think the readers do not need to be able to register. Everybody takes an anonymous comment, but they can leave their contact information . "Create user" disabled and hide login block.

George2’s picture

"Create user" disabled and hide login block.

good points, will be done.

- Every often used function is accessible with one click. (I suggest my module: http://drupal.org/project/blogaid )

not sure, will check it when the profile is in a state to house it, like the trakback module.

I am not sure the image gallery is necessary. Users will be able to upload and resize images, and add those to a node. If users want image gallery, they use Flickr.com or other photo sharing site. I suggest using BUEditor and IMCE. (The FCKEditor and TinyMCE settings are too complicated in 6.x, but not impossible. I suggest using these in the 7.x version) The Imagefield and Imagecache are good choices but I don't know them enough.

Kinda have to agree re:flickr, as for bueditor and imce, i'm currently toying with an idea to allow users to insert images in content using imagecache and imagefields. i think for now, i'll develop the profile sans image handling in preparation for my ideas, or bueditor / fckeditor & imce.

and, let's not think abotu 7 yet :)

George2’s picture

this looks very useful - http://drupal.org/project/private

pp’s picture

Yes, but why would we use it?

If i have a blog, and I don't want to show any node I set it un-published.

Craig Gardner’s picture
