Find some updated version about the current roadmap of the 7.x branch.

Release a beta

#1385882: Message body doubles up

Release a stable

#374222: Template files do not work when using admin theme
#1177640: Add own explicit base url to send reliably
Improve documentation
#1194670: Extend readme about drush and elysia_cron support
#1367604: document variables available in simplenews-newsletter-body.tpl.php + footer.tpl.php
Get enough user feedback first.
Cleanup major issues:

Communication / Marketing / More docs

#2346837: Support
#2410115: Module: Simplenews example
Record videocast
Write blogpost
Update simplenews frontpage, release documentation
Take a short break... :-) (hopefully also other people get reactivated and join development again.)

Improve test coverage

#1374926: Test and improve active language handling when building the newsletter
#1374930: Add tests for new source concept
#1379886: [meta] Add more tests
And more, check list[]=Open&issue_t...[]=Open&issue_t...

Clean-up Tasks

#1387808: General code and @todo clean-up
#1387820: Drop vocabulary/field selection page
#1387846: Remove or port simplenews locale group
#1387814: Remove (or fix) dead simplenews_subscription_multiple_delete_confirm code
#1392290: Remove $node->simplenews and rely on simplenews_newsletter_node($node->nid)
#1392294: Replace the simplenews_get_subscription() with simplenews_subscription_load_by_mail/uid()
#1392314: Cleanup simplenews.api.php and create initial api doc groups

Bugfixing and some smaller features

Those are subject to happen pretty soon. No architectural concerns, possibly subject of 7.x-1.x.
#706904: List of outstanding, unconfirmed, anonymous subscription requests.
#1315420: When mass subscribe exclude unsubscribed subscribers
#437456: Allow to use a field for the text part of a multipart message
#742652: Use Batch API to send mails
#289068: Stop sending action on newsletter overview
#1169990: Improve usability and displayed information on the newsletter tab
#1061096: Link to "click here if you cannot read message"
#1099188: simplenews_html_to_text() strips off newlines
#1136808: Removed
#1038160: Cleanup object / array entity CRUD code
#1112872: Must send through an SMTP server, any options for HTML mails?
#1387202: Improve attachment handling

Push some module ports (D7 dev available) (D7 dev available) (D7 port started)

Bigger features / rework

Those are pretty advanced. Possible subject of 7.x-2.x. However it no API change needed, they're also candidate for 7.x-1.x.
#1309404: Convert Newsletter categories to custom entity
#221521: SimpleNews Service
#127178: Make Subscribers fieldable


miro_dietiker’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Added links

miro_dietiker’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

refer to mailchimp

Berdir’s picture

Some thoughts about that list.

A demo site is IMHO nice to have but certainly not a requirement for a stable release. It would also require quite a bit of work e.g. in the mail log module to properly deal with HTML mails to actually have a useful output. I also still think a demonstration video would be a more useful introduction to this module as it allows to show off the relevant features much easier (like theming, which you can't do on a demo website).

From looking at your smaller features list, we need to define what exactly "stable" means for us I guess. The strict, core-inspired meaning of stable means not only no API changes but also no UI changes and no string changes. This rules out most of the issues in your list, however :)

Last, I think the batch API stuff should actually be fairly simple and won't require any architectural changes. All we need to do there is setting up the batch array with n calls to simplenews_mail_spool() (a wrapper function that does that, actually) and a final status update callback and we're good.

miro_dietiker’s picture

Thanks for feedback :-) I might got misunderstood a little.

About priorities, it was a try to list things that periodically got requested, discussed, ... Things that go through my mind. :-) Please help me to get things sorted out more clean. We might readjust things. (Just wanted to avoid pushing too many bigger features into bugfix cycles.

Stable, right. There was one real issue only. There might be a few more. Additionally linking to major issue list later. Do you see some other issues of higher importance?
I just thought, a stable release should also have clean documentations. That's something we could do quickly.
Also i'm unsure about this, but multilingual issues should be checked before stable
#1177640: Add own explicit base url to send reliably

The batch API e.g. already came up twice in discussions. By then it came up as subject to fully replace the spool (which turns out to be a wrong approach). Right, once it's clear what we want, it hopefully is done quickly. I'm going to move it up.

Demo setup, was requested a lot. I just feel like i want to setup such a site. I think we should do this for a standard case for every module. Possibly the same setup that we use in the demo videocast then. I see, people want to test it onsite without doing an own install. I don't think that' such a big deal in setup. ;-)

miro_dietiker’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

add simplenews related moduels

Berdir’s picture

Yes, documentation is important. It's not necessarly a release blocker though (e.g. we don't necessarly need complete documentation of everything to do a stable, but it should be as good as possible).
BTW, I added Simplenews to my personal api documentation site: As you can see, that needs a bit of work too. I we should at least create a few groups (e.g. hooks, API functions (maybe separate loading/saving stuff and a separate group for sending stuff) and list them on the front page. See for an example.

Yes, fully agreed that batch API isn't a replacement for our mail spool. But it should be easy to add proper batch processing on top of it. Search API is by the way very similar. They maintain their own progress tables (a table that lists all entities including a flag to tell if something needs to be indexed/re-indexed) and have recently switched to using the queue and batch systems on top of that. Basically, what they did is a) instead of processing directly on cron, they just created queue items, each a search process over n entities (= sending n mails) and these are then processed by core. The advantage is that core then does the time management by processing these queue items until time runs out. And they added batch API to process them through the UI. They didn't get it right initially, there was some confusion in the UI regarding items that were added to the queue (they weren't listed as indexed nor was it possible to index them manually). So we might be able to learn/adapt from their code.

Re demo site, I'm fine with adding one of course, I'm just not sure what can be seen there then. How to show off confirmation mails for example, or HTML mails, without accidently revealing the mail address of users who use their real address for testing purposes and so on... The main things to see are the newsletter/subscriptions/category user interfaces, things that aren't exactly awesome right now :)

Berdir’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Split doc, move queue, new issue

Berdir’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.

Berdir’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.

Berdir’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.

Berdir’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.

Berdir’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.

yautja_cetanu’s picture

Just wondering. That list of Long term features planned for simplenews. It takes it quite far from being "simple" newletters and into a pretty much full blown newsletter system.

Is that what you want simplenews to be?

I'm asking this because I'm working with the Party Module making CRM for Drupal and we're trying to figure out how we should do our Mailing system aspect of CRM. We're definitely going to want some support for Simplenews but for the more advanced features (like bounce support) I'm wondering if we should try and so something else (like our own system, or php-list, etc) or put some time and effort into improving simplenews.

miro_dietiker’s picture

Support bounces should be even done by core.
I strongly support to have this feature, at least in simplenews_bounce project. (existing, unported, incomplete)

Plans are to streamline the D7 patterns and to generalize simplenews. We continuously push enterprise features - at least pluggability.

We appreciate you to improve the ecosystem.

Berdir’s picture

Yes, we are interested in making it a full blown newsletter system I guess. The name Simplenews is quite old and I don't think the module is simple anymore already :) Simple can also have many meanings, we *do* try to keep it simple and easy to install/use but at the same time pluggable and extendable.

In the case of bounce handing, the idea there is that another module deals with bounces and notifies us (or a glue/bridge module hooks into the generic bounce handling and notifies us).

In short, we're interested in working together.

giorgio79’s picture

Integration with would be fab :)

Also, the newsletter opt in could be made a user entity boolean field :)

miro_dietiker’s picture

For feature requests, please create separate tickets.

miro_dietiker’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Updated issue summary.

miro_dietiker’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Dropping fancy stuff. You can find it in 8.x roadmap
#2443099: Release roadmap

MrMiso’s picture

Just wondering. What is status on 7.2 release? Would really need the fieldable subscribers for my project and as far as I check it is included only in 7.2.X-Dev release (for 2 years already). I didn't manage to find any information regarding 7.2 release expect that it is used as the version for 8.x port. Is it "stable" enough to use if I need those extra features, what is ETA of alfa or beta.

miro_dietiker’s picture

There is no ETA for 7.x-2.x, that's why it is marked as unsupported.
No one is actively working on it nor is it planned.

MD Systems, for instance, almost completely switched to 8.x scope about two and a half years ago...