
I have my feed working now. The "home"-feed builds feed-item from it.
What I would like is that the feed-items will have immediately a node weight of -20 (in my case will they be shown first then on views).
How can I program this. I tried additing on the bottom of the following code in simplefeed_item.module

// create a feed item node
        $$node->url = $link;
        $node = array('type' => 'feed_item', 'iid' => $iid);
        $values['title'] = $title;
        if ($date) {
          // "created" is a node property, however we have to use "date" to set this with drupal_execute since it is the form element name
          $values['date'] = $date;
        $values['name'] = db_result(db_query('SELECT u.name FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE nid = %d', $process_feed->nid));
        $values['format'] = variable_get('simplefeed_format', 1);
        // $item->get_description()  for teaser?
        $values['body'] = $body;
        $values['expires'] = $process_feed->expires;
        $values['url'] = $link != '' ? $link : $feed->get_permalink();
        $values['fid'] = $process_feed->nid;
        $values['taxonomy'] = $item->taxonomy;

Adding the following line on the bottom of this:

     $values['weight'] = -20;

Off course I enanbled the weight.module first.

But it doesn't work. ....
I don't want the parent-feed be given the weight -20, so I want to program it on feed-item building.
Can somebody help please?

Thanks in advance,


m3avrck’s picture

Category: feature » support