simple_pass_reset 8.x-1.1

New features

Fixes include

  • Issue #3091696: Drupal 9 readiness
  • Issue #3063261: Undefined offset: 2 in simple_pass_reset_form_user_form_alter()
  • Issue #2984784: Collides with Field Layout module

simple_pass_reset 7.x-1.5

Bug fixes
New features

This release fixes a variety of issues, including a regression introduced by an API change in Drupal 7.35. It also further improves the user experience on the brief password reset form and ensures that users who request a new password while already logged in will be logged out to avoid access denied errors when they follow your site's instructions. : P

Changes since 7.x-1.4 (13 commits):

simple_pass_reset 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Fixes a bug when both simple_pass_reset and remember_me are enabled.

simple_pass_reset 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Fixes a bad bug in which the password reset form works, even when already logged in to drupal.

Only anonymous users should be able to see the password reset form.

simple_pass_reset 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Brief version of form shows only password.
Button text remains "Save", matches default email text.

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