simple_mobile_redirect 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

#1128780: Module does not conform to coding standards. Code refactoring including adhering to coding standards to resolve
Setting a cookie when ?nomobi=true is passed as a parameter
Resolving loop issues caused by redirecting to a page on the same site

simple_mobile_redirect 7.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

#1128780: Module does not conform to coding standards. Code refactoring including adhering to coding standards to resolve
Setting a cookie when ?nomobi=true is passed as a parameter
Resolving loop issues caused by redirecting to a page on the same site

simple_mobile_redirect 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Changed the main redirect
// drupal_goto() does not exist here, as we are triggering at boot.
header('Location: '.$redirect);

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