Simple FB Connect

Simple FB Connect allows users to register and login to your Drupal site with their Facebook account.

As the name suggests, the design principle of this module is to keep things as simple as possible.

  • This module defines a path user/simple-fb-connect which redirects the user to Facebook for authentication.
  • After Facebook has returned the user to our site, the module compares the email address provided by Facebook. If our site already has an account with the same email address, user is logged in. If not, a new user account is created.
  • Facebook profile picture is synchronized to the new Drupal user account if profile pictures are enabled on Drupal settings.

Login process can be initiated from the "Facebook login" tab on the user login page.

  • Alternatively, site builders can place (and theme) a link to user/simple-fb-connect wherever on the site, for example in a custom block which is shown only to anonymous users.
  • Reinis Fisher has written a nice article on how you can add FB login button to the standard Drupal login form (Drupal 7).

Simple FB Connect 2.x and 3.x implement Rules events for a) new user creation and b) user login so that you can trigger actions from these events. For more advanced users, the module provides a simple API which can be used to add functionality to new user creation or to define which Facebook permissions are requested during FB login. It is also easy for other modules to extend Facebook integration and use the power of Facebook SDK and API.

Installation instructions and module handbook

Module maintainers

Version 7.x-1.x of this module was developed and maintained by Tanay Sai. Originally this module was based on Facebook Connect module which is no longer actively maintained.

Versions 7.x-2.x, 8.x-2.x and 8.x-3.x of this module were developed and maintained by Markus Sipilä. Credits to Getulio Sánchez for the initial 8.x-3.x work.

This module is currently maintained by @kaythay.

Project information
