
Google Adsense Account (

Drupal 8


Details here


Simple AdSense Module helps site builders putting
a Simple AdSense Block into any regions in a page.
The block contains a piece of javascript code showing
a responsive AD Unit generated by Google AdSense.


Default configuration provided. if you using the bartik theme. After your enable this module, you'll see a AD Unit displaying at the Siderbar First region immediately. it is test purpose only. You should provide you own.

Config Publisher ID

visit /admin/config/simple_adsense/simpleadsense

Place A Simple AdSense Block

visit /admin/structure/block and click a Place Block button, then filter out Simple AdSense Block in the dialog. click Place Block button in the same line. In block configuration page, input your AD Unit ID and save it.

Drupal 7


For site builders: This module brings Google AdSense AD unit into Drupal as block simplely.

For developers: call theme('ad-unit', array($client="ca-pub-XXX", $slot='XXX')) directly, eg: in page.tpl.php.


Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. See: for further information.


Simple AdSense Block

  1. Go to admin/config/content/simple_adsense and config. Values blow are testing purpose only:
    • Publiser ID: pub-9513614146655499
    • AD Unit ID 1: 5270097160
    • AD Unit ID 2: 5556618763
    • AD Unit ID 3: 6746830361
  2. Open admin/structure/block, you'll see block(s) title like this:
    • Simple Adsense (3793363962)
    • Simple Adsense (5270097160)
  3. Layout those block(s) as usual.


Current maintainer

Qiangjun Ran (jungle)

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
