I just checked a site I'm working on using linkchecker and found all Twitter intent links are redirected from twitter.com/share to twitter.com/intent/tweet.

Here's an example of the output:

URL        `http://twitter.com/share?url=example.com'
Name       `Twitter logo'
Real URL   https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=example.com
Warning    HTTP 301 (moved permanent) encountered: you should update this link.
Result     Valid: 200 OK

Not sure if this is a bug or whether there's a good reason why the URL isn't twitter.com/intent/tweet in the first place.


Simon Georges’s picture

I suppose twitter has changed its API. Would you be willing to provide a patch?

Anonymous’s picture

Providing a patch is beyond my skills level. I just about manage to apply patches ;).

laboratory.mike’s picture

Not sure if this is still active, but recently I had to rewrite a lot of service links code for a client, and would be glad to take a crack at patching.

Simon Georges’s picture

@laboratoy.mike, I (and I'm sure the other maintainer would agree) would be really glad to have someone help in the issue queue!