securesite 7.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Removed an error message on guest login. Working release for testing.

securesite 7.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Working version for Drupal 7 ready for testing before final release

securesite 7.x-2.x-dev

Secure Site 7.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx

#1528012 by Patrizio: Fixed issue with i18n integration.
#1423620 by Dave.Ingram: Fixed issue with hook_uninstall db syntax.
#1414678 by Yura and Patrrizio: Fixed undefined variable.
#1339938 by jonathan_hunt: Fixed issue with menu location.
#1011890 by Deciphered: Additional Drupal 7 port issues.
#1011890 by jonathan_hunt: Fixed issue with http header.
by Deciphered: Fixed coder issues.
by Sime: Initial Drupal 7 port.

securesite 6.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-3:

  • #441634 by Arto: Fixed undefined function drupal_strtolower().

securesite 6.x-2.3

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-2:

  • #388890 by jmiccolis: Fixed user name validation.
    Users who didn't have permission to change their user names could not change
    their passwords.
  • by Darren Oh: Fixed a grammatical error in digest_md5/sudoers.
  • by Darren Oh: Fixed update error for sites with disabled authentication.
    Sites which had disabled authentication would have authentication forced when

securesite 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-1:

  • #330367: Added note about LDAP Integration compatibility being fixed in release 6.x-2.1.
  • #352276 by naquah: Fixed delay in saving 403 page settings.
  • #353216 by salvis: Fixed data type in securesite_update_6200().
    This fixes "Wrong datatype" errors for those upgrading from previous versions.
  • Renamed "po" directory to "translations" for Drupal 6 compatibility.

securesite 6.x-2.x-dev

New 6.x version. Includes the following features:

  1. Allow HTTP authentication when site is not being hidden.
  2. Removed bypass pages and replaced with 403 management.
  3. Simplified theming.

securesite 5.x-1.5

Bug fixes

- Fixed issue #307339: Securesite prompts continuously unless user has permission, regardless of filter setting: patch by singularo
- Fixed an issue where a cached page would be shown after logging in as a guest and then a user with caching enabled (patch by NaX and Junyor)

securesite 5.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Fixed an unreported issue where sites would not be accessible after upgrading if they were previously using the HTTP Auth with browser work-around setting

securesite 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Important: Due to setting and permission changes, you must make sure that Secure Site is properly enabled and relevant roles have the "access secured pages" permission before Secure Site 5.x-1.3 will work correctly.

securesite 5.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Important: Due to settings and permission changes, you must make sure Secure Site is enabled and add the "access secured pages" permission for relevant roles before Secure Site 5.x-1.3 will work correctly.

securesite 5.x-1.1

Security update

Security update, see #216019, SA-2008-011 - Securesite - Access bypass.

securesite 4.7.x-1.1

Security update

Security update, see #216019, SA-2008-011 - Securesite - Access bypass.

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