For an introduction on how this module works, read Fast and fuzzy client-side search with Lunr.js and Drupal.

This module provides a Search API backend for the the JavaScript search engine Lunr. The module works like a standard Search API back-end, you can configure fields and a pipeline of processors, however instead of adding content to a search back-end, they are written to JSON files to be loaded directly into the browser.

This is similar to the lunr module, however there are some key differences:

  • This module uses SAPI's index tracking to add items to the index on-demand as content is created or updated, instead of requiring the index be rebuilt.
  • This module uses the SAPI interface for configuring indexable fields, instead of views.

Due to the on-demand nature of indexing, this module best serves the use-case of an integrated Drupal front-end with instant-search like capabilities vs a statically generated site that goes through a build process.


  • Per-document boosting - choose a field to act as a boost to make specific search results rank higher or lower.
  • Per-field boosting - choose how much weight should be given to each indexed field when ranking search results.
  • An instant search autocomplete block - go directly to relevant results or search the whole index.
  • A JavaScript API - execute custom searches, access documents in the index, integrate results from the index into your site in any way that works for you.

Project information
