This is a submodule for the scheduler module to integrate with content moderation. It is taken from the patches of this issue: #2798689: Scheduler integration with core Content moderation. None of this is my work, all the work has been done by the people helping in that issue.

Coding Standards

The codebase passes all the standards checks run via PHPCS and ESLINT. This module has its own phpcs.xml.dist config file. If you think there are coding standards that need to be fixed please check the branch test results first.

To run coding standards locally, either navigate into the projects folder and run phpcs . or from further up the folder hierarchy you need to specify the --standard parameter, by using
phpcs path/to/modules/scheduler_content_moderation_integration --standard=path/to/modules/scheduler_content_moderation_integration/phpcs.xml.dist

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsoring co-maintainer + maintenance

Project information
