This module allows the schedule an action (like for nodes publish, unpublish, promote, add to nodequeue ...).
It makes use of the Actions Drupal core functionality.


The architecture is constructed general to support every entity. When you save an action associated to an entity it will be saved the entity type, entity id, action to be triggered, timestamp, and the context.
Module contains sub-module that is specially designed to support nodes from the user interface.
IMPORTANT NOTE: as of now only nodes are supported but can be extended. Please contact maintainer if you would like to contribute.


Similar modules

Node Expire

With this module you will be able to do everything that you would be able to do with the
Node Expire only that it is written more general and abstract so that you will be able to change not only the Published status of the node but also everything else.


This module does everything that the Scheduler module does. The advantage is that you can have multiple actions defined per node.

This module implements two basic features:

  • it created advanced action, that can be configured to schedule another action in future,
  • provides UI at node edit form to schedule action on a specific node (publish, unpublish, add to nodequeue, ...)

This is a D7 only module. I do not plan to port it to D6.

Supporting organizations: 
Contribution time

Project information
