scald 7.x-1.13

Bug fixes

This release prevents some of the notices and issues that came up in mostly newer PHP versions.

Changes since 7.x-1.12:

scald 7.x-1.11

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-1.10:

scald 7.x-1.9

Bug fixes

This release includes mostly bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Backward incompatible change

scald 7.x-1.8

Bug fixes

This release fixes a single PHP 5.3 compatible bug. If you have Scald 1.7 and PHP 5.4+, you don't have to update.

Changes since 7.x-1.7:

  • #2706185 by mairi: PHP Syntax error in

scald 7.x-1.7

Bug fixes

This release includes mostly bug fixes and minor enhancements.

If you are using PHP 5.3 please use 7.x-1.8.

Because of a change in the CKEditor module, the buttons are now defined differently, and so if the CKEditor configuration was stored in code using the features module, then a feature update might be required.

Changes since 7.x-1.6:

scald 7.x-1.6

Bug fixes

This release fixes some of the bugs found after the release of 1.5.

The wysiwyg integration code has been moved to the mee submodule. Now its more clearly separated from the dnd submodule, and sites that do not use the wysiwyg functionality, can now use Scald without enabling the mee submodule.

For the Ckeditor module the path to the plugin is stored in the system, and the update will change that, however if the Features module was used to store the configuration in code, then that feature will need to be updated as well.

Changes since 7.x-1.5:

scald 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes
New features

This release providers support for the new widget functionality of the latest CKEditor library. This makes the embedded atoms more robust, less likely to get broken. Update instructions can be found in the documentation at: Scald Installation / configuration

The panels' custom content is now supported built-in. The scald_panels_dnd
module is not required anymore for that purpose.

scald 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

Scald 1.2 fixes bugs, has a lot of new features and supports new features in Drupal core.

Changes since 7.x-1.1:

scald 7.x-1.1

Security update
New features
Bug fixes

See also SA-CONTRIB-2013-060

This releases include a lot of bug fixing, one new experimental feature and fixes a security issue.

Major changes since 7.x-1.0

  • Fix a security issue in MEE and Scald Flash
  • Bulk upload option added, Scald Image can now integrate with plupload to create multiple atoms on the fly
  • Improved integration with Entity API
  • Improved browser compatibility
  • Lots of small bug fixed

All changes since 7.x-1.0:

scald 7.x-1.0


There is no change since 1.0-RC4. Now CKEditor 1.13 has been out, Scald 1.0 is released. It is considered stable for use in production and is compatible with the last stable releases of CKEditor (or WYSIWYG), Edit, Search API, Entity API, Entity Translation etc.

*Note*: there is a PHP notice fixed in RC4 that is, by mistake, not included in 1.0.

scald 7.x-1.0-rc4

New features
Bug fixes

A regression was found in the 7.x-1.0-rc3 release, where the context could no longer be changed in the CKEditor dialog after the content was saved. This hotfix release fix this.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-rc3:

scald 7.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Major changes since 7.x-1.0-rc1: the Scald Twitter submodule, providing supports for importing Tweets in your Scald, was moved to its own project. It's using the deprecated v1 API, and will need an update to keep working, independently of Scald core. If you were previously using the Scald Twitter submodule, be sure to download the corresponding release of the new module when upgrading.

If there is no new bug identified, this release will become the 1.0 final without any more change.

scald 7.x-1.0-beta4

New features
Bug fixes

This release includes a bunch of bug fixes, notably to make Atom Reference and MEE fields work on any entity type.

When upgrading, have a look at the change records for this release ; one important thing listed there is that the BeautyTips JavaScript library is no longer bundled, and you should enable the qTip module if you want to get a preview tooltip when hovering items in the media library.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta3:

scald 7.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

fixed scald_render_error theme arguments
fixed PHP notice
update HOWTO.txt

scald 6.x-1.0-beta2


This release features a brand new look for the resource library, and fixes a few XSS issues where users with the administer scald permission could inject malicious scripts in the Atom type name.

Changes since 6.x-1.0-beta1:

scald 6.x-1.0-alpha1

First alpha release.

Celebrating moves to git, and given that the code has been running in production for quite some time, I think its more than time to role out an actual release. It's still an alpha for now because there's still a few rough edge in the first time installation and setup, but it should be more than ready for broader community testing.

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