sasson 7.x-3.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

First snapshot release of the 3.x branch.
This version is considered stable and is already in use in production sites.
Some changes may still happen before the first release candidate.

sasson 7.x-2.10

Updates and improvements:
- Improved file watcher
- Improved flipper
- Allow toggling of CSS URL rewrite

sasson 7.x-2.9

Sasson 7.x-2.9, 2013-01-04
- Allow setting of compiled CSS destination via theme settings.
- Allow turning off of auto CSS3 prefixer.
- Add example preprocess hook to template.php

sasson 7.x-2.8

New features
Bug fixes

New and improved features in v2.8:

- Improved grid-background & image overlay (backported from v3.x).
- alt+c to recompile Sass doesn't depend on admin_menu anymore.
- Better handling of previously compiled CSS files when the compiler is off.
- Unite CSS_SYSTEM & CSS_DEFAULT aggregation groups to cut on http requests
- Backported fileWatcher from v3.x
- Improved drush sns script
- Use <link> tags for theme stylesheets instead of @import when developing

sasson 7.x-2.7

New features
Bug fixes

- Added Salsa layout system (backported from v3.x).
- Added our favicon
- Make sure no Sass file is added if the compiler is off, and look for a copiled css file
- Issue #1777712 by amccune, jsloan: Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in SassImportNode->parse()

sasson 7.x-2.6

New features
Bug fixes

Sasson 7.x-2.6 includes some bug fixes and some very cool backports from Sasson v3.x.
- Issue #1676760 by markedup, mint5auce - SassParser randomly hosing 'watchdog' table with parse errors
- issue #1748332 by jedihe - Wrong path to sprite image on multi-lingual setup (path-prefix mode)
- Added Gridy - Sasson v3.x Grid system (backported)
- Improved file watcher (backported)
- Multiple backgrounds support (from compass) (backported)
- Multiple box-shadow support (from compass) (backported)

sasson 7.x-3.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Main changes in Sasson v3.x

- Removed phamlp. Now using the original, Ruby based compass compiler (requires sass 3.3+)
- New layout system - meet Susy !
- Added HTML mail debugging tools in theme settings
- Move all scripts to footer via theme settings
- Update to latest jQuery from Google CDN via theme settings
- Disable core and modules JS files via theme settings
- Disable core and modules CSS files via theme settings
- Improved scripts (fileWatcher, imageOverlay etc.)

sasson 7.x-2.5

New features

- Added keyboard shortcut to recompile stylesheets and image sprites
- Better support for Compass URL helpers
- Added sprites generator
- Clearing the cache now trigger re-compilation of Sass files
- Removed "rebuid registry" from the UI;
- Added Sass and sprites debugging options through the UI (force recompilation);

Read the full post here.

sasson 7.x-2.4

This is a re-release of 2.4, since I've forgot to rename the call to the script file in the sub-theme starterkit after renaming the file itself.

sasson 7.x-2.3:
- Issue #1367502 by ssherriff : Set compass image path;
- Issue #1645280 by poeticninja : Internet Explorer 9 CSS Selectors;
- Sub-theme script is now named to prevent conflicts with sub-sub-theming;
- Better development message;
- Fixed bug with default theme settings;

sasson 7.x-2.4:
- Rename call to the script file in the sub-theme starterkit

sasson 7.x-2.3

New features
Bug fixes

- Issue #1367502 by ssherriff : Set compass image path;
- Issue #1645280 by poeticninja : Internet Explorer 9 CSS Selectors;
- Sub-theme script is now named to prevent conflicts with sub-sub-theming;
- Better development message;
- Fixed bug with default theme settings;

sasson 7.x-2.2

New features

- Better file watcher - see changes instantaneously without a page refresh.
- Issue #1474182 by erutan : Add more information in subtheme.
- Updated normalize.css from H5BP (e.g. farewell hot pink selection)

sasson 7.x-2.1

New features

- Choose between h5bp normalize.css and Eric Meyer's reset.css (or none)
- Added Formalize - cross browser form styles reset
- New feature - File watcher - browser will automagically refresh itself whenever you modify your stylesheet (or any other watched file)
- Protocol agnostic google web-fonts loading (http/https)
- Added no-flip functionality to the directionality flipper
- Issue #1512202 by mint5auce, markedup, erutan : Remove clearfix from templates.

sasson 7.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

- Sasson has a new demo site at
- Updated HTML5Boilerplate (boilerplate.css) to v3
- Updated HTML5Shiv to v3
- New Feature : auto directionality flipping with @flip {file: "filename.scss"};
- Added hook_sasson_post_parse_alter()
- Remove style.css from subtheme, too confusing
- Reformatted sass comments
- Reformatted 960gs plugin for better fluid layout and rtl support
- Renamed _base.scss to _clear.scss to prevent conflicts

sasson 7.x-2.0-beta4

Bug fixes

- Resolved issue with path to stylesheets in sub-themes, fix by avr.
- Resolved issue #1388356 by tsi - Drupal flush caches doesn't recopmile sass files.
- Improved theme settings.

sasson 7.x-2.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

- Prompt oldIEs users to install Chrome Frame
- Improved theme settings form with vertical tabs.
- New feature: Design overlay.
- New feature: Set a custom font to be used across the site from Google web-font.
- Sass partial are being looked for in the /styles dir only and only in the active theme's dinasty and not in all enabled themes.
- Updated Sass parser to the latest version from github plus some fixes.

sasson 7.x-2.0-beta2

New features

- specify settings like media queries, browsers, weight etc. when calling style-sheets from .info files (@see sasson_css_include())
- drush script to create sub-themes (@see
- Language specific stylesheets (css/sass/scss) - not only RTL but LTR also (@see sasson_css_alter())

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