While adding this line to my scss file:
background: url();
I got these 2 errors:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in SassScriptLexer->lex() (line 66 of /var/www/drupal/sites/all/themes/sasson/phamlp/sass/script/SassScriptLexer.php).
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in SassScriptLexer->lex() (line 60 of /var/www/drupal/sites/all/themes/sasson/phamlp/sass/script/SassScriptLexer.php).


tsi’s picture

You have assigned this to yourself, are you trying to fix this ?

basik.drupal’s picture

Assigned: basik.drupal » Unassigned

nah, my bad, removed the assignment

tsi’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed

Marking as a Phamlp compiler issue.
The PHP compiler, while serving us well, will always lag behind the original ruby-compass compiler, this is why the upcoming release (v3.x) of Sasson will use assetic to compile Sass using the original ruby compiler.
Unfortunately, bugs with the php compiler is probably not something we will have time to work on anytime soon, since most of the effort is going into the v3.x branch which uses the original ruby-compass, so marking all Phamlp issue as postponed.
If #1825006: Phamlp can't get arguments as @media queries values is solved, we might find a way to support the php compiler as a fallback for people developing on a server that can't install ruby (we recommend developing locally, on a local server with ruby and compass installed).
Any help with this will be most appreciated.

tsi’s picture

Component: Code » Phamlp
burgs’s picture

I managed to work around this using the advice from https://github.com/richthegeek/phpsass/issues/64 and wrapping everything inside the brackets in quotes.

tsi’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Status: Postponed » Closed (won't fix)

The PHP compiler used in Sasson 2.x is no longer needed in v3.x and I don't see me or anyone else getting to maintain it.
Marking all relevant issues as won't fix. sorry.
You are welcome to try the much more powerful v3.x