Notice : Undefined variable: actions in include() (ligne 4 in /sites/all/themes/rubik/templates/form-default.tpl.php).
Warning : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() dans element_children() (ligne 6282 dans /var/www/vhosts/httpdocs/includes/

This is the error message i am getting in admin when using the module easy_breadcrumb I am not sure if it's the module or the theme issue...

this is what's on line 4 in rubik/templates/form-default.tpl.php:

    <?php print rubik_render_clone($actions); ?>

Here is the function "rubik_render_clone()" placed in templete.php:

 * Helper function for cloning and drupal_render()'ing elements.
function rubik_render_clone($elements) {
  static $instance;
  if (!isset($instance)) {
    $instance = 1;
  foreach (element_children($elements) as $key) {
    if (isset($elements[$key]['#id'])) {
      $elements[$key]['#id'] = "{$elements[$key]['#id']}-{$instance}";
  return drupal_render($elements);


srgk’s picture

i confirm this

haydeniv’s picture