Hello guys

How to show both numbers and Prev/Next control...

I have this code: (from rotating_banner.module line 595)

$element['controls'] = array(
      '#markup' =>
      .'<div onmouseover="show_nav_bar(this);" onmouseout="hide_nav_bar(this);" id="slide_nav" style="text-align:center; width: 668px;" >'
      .'<a href="#" class="prev"><img src="Archivos/atras.jpg" style="float:left" /></a>'       
      .'<div class="' . $settings['controls'] . ' controls inline-block">'           
      . $content
      . '</div>'
      .'<a href="#" class="next"><img src="Archivos/adelante.jpg"  style="float:right" /></a>'

But only one numbers control links are working, the next and prev link are not working...

Any clue?