thanks for your great theme. I have added a additional sidebar region (sidebar_left) that should show up only on a few sites - sidebar_first is not activated on this pages. The sidebar is visible, but it seams that the code if($page['sidebar_first']) { $contentwid= "eleven"; } else { $contentwid= "sixteen"; } is not recognized. The content size on the pages ist still 940 px (sixteen columns) and switches not to eleven columns as it do when sidebar_first is enabled. Could someone help me waht im missing here? Thanks.


planetstar’s picture

Sorry, my first description of my problem is not so clear. I have added in the page.tpl.php a additional line for my new sidebar_left:
if($page['sidebar_left']) { $contentwid= "eleven"; } else { $contentwid= "sixteen"; }
And this seams not to be recognized, when sidebar_left is true on a site. With the sidebar_first region it works.