rb 7.x-1.x-dev

New features

First tiny contribution to Drupal 7 version of Rules Bonus Pack: A condition that checks the number of results from a view.

rb 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

This module is a greenhouse for Rules functionality – triggers, actions and
conditions that could be included in the Rules module, but probably should be
tested out and voted on first. Feel free to add your own ideas, opinions,
examples and feature requests!


The usual. Download, enable. You will need the Rules module. (Surprise!)


This module currently holds four new actions and one new condition:
* Set a CCK field without validation. This gives you a plain old textfield to
enter data into CCK fields. That means that you won't be limited to
validations or form elements that the CCK widget provides. Please have a look
at http://drupal.org/node/1144404 if you'd like this functionality in Rules
* Insert a value in a multiple-value field. This action adds a new value to a
multiple-value field, if it wasn't already present.
* Remove a value from a multiple-value field. This action kind of does the
opposite to the previously described action.
* Get a field value, bypassing Token. This action gets a field value, even if
a node hasn't been saved to the database yet. This is basically only for the
cases when you're working on the node presave event, which causes Token to
provide outdated content.

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