radix 8.x-4.7

Bug fixes

Radix 8.x-4.7, 2020-01-26
- Issue #3097873: Pin dependencies for the default kit
- Issue #3081833 by sgammon, stefan.korn: dropdown-menu.twig: Array to string conversion
- Issue #3086685 by stefan.korn: Issue after upgrading theme to 4.6
- Issue #3079855 by stefan.korn: Issue with Drupal off-canvas dialog resizing (for example using Layout Builder)

radix 7.x-3.8

Security update
Bug fixes

Fixes Radix - Moderately critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2020-001

Changes since 7.x-3.7:

radix 8.x-4.6

Bug fixes

Radix 8.x-4.6, 2019-10-07
- Issue #3081150 by arshadcn, Jacine: Drush subtheme generator expects the kit to be located in Radix
- Issue #3081166 by arshadcn, Jacine: Provide a means to rename other additional configuration files
- Issue #3082593 by arshadcn, diqidoq, stefan.korn, tstermitz: Radix creates html class attribute "img-thumbnail" for all images
- Issue #3084620 by stefan.korn: Views Mini pager should not show if there is only one page of items

radix 8.x-4.5

New features

Radix 8.x-4.5 adds support for Drush 9.

drush --include="/path/to/radix" radix:create SUBTHEME

radix 8.x-4.4

Bug fixes

Radix 8.x-4.4, 2019-07-23
- Issue #3063109 by Jacine: Site logo should have an alt attribute
- Issue #3008219 by hctom, jwilson3: Call to a member function bundle() on string in radix_theme_suggestions_page_alter()
- Issue #3053875 by jwilson3: dismissible alerts syntax is confusing, missing alert-dismissible

radix 8.x-4.3

Bug fixes
New features

Radix 8.x-4.3, 2019-05-04
- Issue #3052101 by arshadcn: Add cross-env to theme for Windows support
- Issue #3008488 by neubreed, scoff, Morbus Iff: Fix logo width and height in navbar/navbar-brand.twig
- Issue #3051644: Nav twig file doesn't allow the class override by third-party modules
- Issue #3049513 by sgammon, Morbus Iff, arshadcn: Menu block nav container and id/classes are not included
- Issue #3048201: Use dropdowns for dropbutton

radix 7.x-3.7

Bug fixes

Radix 7.x-3.7, 2019-04-22
- Issue #3041741 by left: update Bootstrap version to 3.4.1

radix 8.x-4.2

Bug fixes

Radix 8.x-4.2, 2019-04-06
- Added template suggestions for user entity.
- Issue #3046104 by doxigo, arshadcn: radix_preprocess_filter_caption overrides the output of image HTML with captions
- Issue #3045895: Call to a member function setAttribute() on null in radix_preprocess_filter_caption
- Fixed an issue with missing attributes in nav template.
- Issue #3026552: set processCSSUrls to false by default

radix 8.x-4.1

Bug fixes
New features

Radix 8.x-4.1, 2019-03-25
- Issue #3042502 by kevinfunk, arshadcn: Update Bootstrap to 4.3.1
- Update npm packages in default kit
- Add a theme schema
- Add template for forum and comment

radix 8.x-3.2

Changes since 8.x-3.1:

radix 7.x-3.6

Bug fixes

Radix 7.x-3.6, 2017-02-01
- Add styles to Radix base theme.
- Add support for Yarn package manager.
- Update the default browserSyncProxy.
- Update bower packages in the default kit.
- Update devDependencies in default kit.
- Allow kits to be created from any branch.
- Fix active-trail class disappears when updating to 3.0-rc4.
- Fix call to undefined function _radix_process_element (Issue with include files).
- Fix unable to create sub-theme from remote source.

radix 8.x-3.1

Radix 8.x-3.1, 2017-02-02
- Remove unused menu template files.
- Fixed drop-downs not showing in main navigation.
- Add contextual links back to system-menu-block.
- Allow kits to be created from any branch.
- Add support for Yarn package manager.
- Update npm dependencies.
- Update bower dependencies.
- Add bootstrap styles to Radix base theme.

radix 8.x-3.0-beta1

Bug fixes

- Issue #2824400 by Laubi, arshadcn: Radix is spamming notice messages.
- Remove comment.inc file.
- Update the list of files to make replacement on drush.

radix 7.x-3.5

Bug fixes

Radix 7.x-3.5, 2016-08-03
- Issue #2223365 by dsnopek, barraponto: Use input group component for Input Format Widget
- Issue #2773717 by cboyden: Theming for Add Content links depends on exact title text match
- Issue #2755845 by k4v, arshadcn: Remove compass
- Issue #2554019 by dsnopek: Nested dropdown menus
- Issue #2583483 by dsnopek: Closing CTools dialog with escape key leaves page without scrollbars
- Issue #2756419 by dsnopek: Menu dropdown reopen when browser tab regains focus

radix 8.x-3.0-alpha4

Bug fixes

Radix 8.x-3.0-alpha4, 2016-06-15
- Restore previous field.html.twig and add a field-no-wrapper.html.twig template
- Clean up radix template files
- Rename default files in the default kit
- Move scss and js directories under assets
- Issue #2711987 by jday: Minor issues in _mixins.scss calls
- Remove compass from style.scss
- Rename breakpoints.yml file when creating a subtheme

radix 7.x-3.4

Bug fixes
New features

Radix 7.x-3.4 is a maintenance release with several bug fixes.

radix 8.x-3.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

- Add breakpoints file to default kit
- Updates for multiple templates: views, html, feed-icon, field and block
- Update template for views and nodes
- Update template for block
- Remove theme_views_mini_pager
- Remove bootstrapcdn js
- Update block template
- Remove seven/global-styling library
- Issue #2699605: Undefined index: id in radix_preprocess_block()
- Remove gulp-compass from default kit

radix 8.x-3.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

- Fix template for checkboxes and radios
- Update template for form-element
- Add template for page-title
- Add radix scss partial to main theme
- Remove unused radix_theme hook
- Remove system.admin.css
- Add template for local action
- Move radix scss partials out of the default/subtheme kit

radix 8.x-3.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Development snapshot for Radix 8.x-3.x.

radix 8.x-3.0-alpha1

New features

- Remove id from main nav template
- Update region template
- Update main page template
- Update branding block template
- Use site-logo and site-name classes instead of ids
- Remove stylesheets and add regions and libraries to info file
- Update template of search form
- Update z-index of navbar
- Remove alter hooks from .theme file
- Update default logos
- Update default template for blocks
- Remove bower_components under gitignore
- Fix info and libraries files for latest version

radix 7.x-3.3

Bug fixes

Radix 7.x-3.3, 2016-02-01
- Add examples for upgrade command.
- Rename the drush update command to drush radix-upgrade-33.
- Update the documentation link.
- Update README.md.
- Wrong order of Sass partials import in default.style.scss.
- Rename drush command to radix-upgrade-32.
- Rename drush command to radix-upgrade32.
- Drush command to upgrade to 3.1.

radix 7.x-3.2

Bug fixes

Radix 7.x-3.2, 2016-01-28
- Menu dropdown behaviour not working properly after upgrade to v3.1.
- Add default breakpoint support.
- Remove unused hook.
- Remove unused gutil library.
- Merge branch '7.x-3.x' of github.com:radixtheme/radix into 7.x-3.x.
- Rename menu to nav.
- Add plumber error handler to gulpfile.
- Remove breadrcumb template.
- Add templates for block and system block.
- Update comment style for scss files.

radix 7.x-3.1


Read the guide on how to update to Radix 7.x-3.1 here: http://www.radixtheme.org/articles/update-rc4-to-3/


- Update default logo.
- Add compass-mixins for backward compatibility.

radix 7.x-3.0

Bug fixes
New features

Radix 7.x-3.0
- Replacement for CTools modal changes "Close Window" button text to "x".
- Merge branch '7.x-3.x' of github.com:radixtheme/radix into 7.x-3.x.
- Undefined index: #theme in _radix_process_input().
- JQuery UI dialog missing close icon.
- Update README.md.
- Prevent vertical menu blocks from rendering with dropdowns.
- Javascript to make dropdown links clickable causes accessibility issues.
- Create THEMING.md.
- Radix-modal.js breaks CTools accessibility changes from #2280853.

radix 7.x-3.0-rc4

Bug fixes

Radix 7.x-3.0-rc4
- Fixed: Error when running bundle install.

radix 7.x-3.0-rc3

Bug fixes
New features

Release notes for Radix 7.x-3.0-rc3
- Added support for sass-globbing.
- Skip select_as_checkboxes theme for form elements.
- Fixed: Incompatible with Panopoly's "Single" preview mode on the "Add content" modal.
- Fixed: Node title rendered even if node doesn't have a title.
- Fixed: Radix panels-pane.tpl.php templates missing features from more recent versions of Panels.
- Added gulp plumber and util.
- Added a block.inc file for block hooks.
- Added field import to screen.scss.
- Added a config.json.

radix 7.x-3.0-rc2

Bug fixes

- Removed IE stylesheets from base theme.
- Update README.md.
- Reference to flield_slideshow causes errors.
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in radix_preprocess_page().
- Updated compass_radix to 3.1.5.
- Updated font awesome to 4.3.
- Search form in in header missing label.
- The views "rewrite the output of this field" input field isn't displayed properly.
- Radix-script.js "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function".
- Merge branch '7.x-3.x' of git.drupal.org:project/radix into 7.x-3.x.

radix 7.x-3.0-rc1

Bug fixes

- Fixed comment styling.
- Comment out Sass compilation message for now.
- Updated Gemfile for compass_radix 3.1.
- Added container wrapper to content.

radix 7.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes
  1. - Updated to compass_radix 3.1.2.
  2. - Made compass_radix partials import overwritable.
  3. - Removed radix-livestyle since it is not used for dev anymore.
  4. - Themes for admin pages.
  5. - Updated Gemfile.
  6. - Updated compass to 0.12.4.
  7. - Updated default kit to bootstrap 3.2.0.
  8. - Downgrade to Bootstrap 3.2.0 since jQuery 1.9 will not work with CTools.
  9. - Updated Boostrap to 3.3.0.
  10. - Update to boostrap-sass 3.3.0.
  11. - Fixed Checkboxes in People page misaligned.

radix 7.x-3.0-beta1

Bug fixes

aab52ea: Enabled boostrap popover
65e7811: Revert "Enabled boostrap popover"
58df53a: Enabled boostrap popover
47e4e86: Enabled boostrap tooltip
decb5b5: Issue #2277999: In ajax enabled views pager does not work by pivica: In ajax enabled views pager does not work
2cf92bc: Merge branch '7.x-3.x' of github.com:arshad/radix into 7.x-3.x

radix 7.x-3.0-alpha5

Bug fixes
  1. 8b2e159: Fixed notice for missing view_content_class
  2. 8d12e81: Removed radix_preprocess_views_view. This is now handled in radix_views
  3. 80d18f6: Removed radix_preprocess_views_view_unformatted for now. This is now handled in radix_views
  4. c9de262: Removed node id from node template
  5. 987d5f9: Moved css_splitter to a directory within extensions
  6. f11884f: Updated fontawesome for default kit
  7. 2e72159: Updated fontawesome to 4.1.0
  8. 64ae77b: Added implementation of template_preprocess_panelizer_view_mode

radix 7.x-3.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
New features
  1. b2b339c Move container out. Looks better by default
  2. 0492f4e output_style set to compressed when not in development env
  3. b0b91b8 Addded codekit config file to gitignore
  4. 89aabfd Use drupal_get_context for kit_path
  5. 1d1e88c Load js from cdn when bootstrap_library is not installed
  6. 79a7119 Added support for custom modals
  7. d71f03a Added a maintenance page
  8. 93c912b Fixed alert class in progress js
  9. 91cda7e Removed old modernizr file
  10. 577c7af Recompiled sass
  11. eac0db1 Added js for progress bars

radix 7.x-3.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
  1. Issue #2191033 by barraponto: Form-item class missing in form elements, breaks Form States API.
  2. Removed styles for node forms
  3. Issue #2194335 by lsolesen: Error when screen.css is not created.
  4. Issue #2204117 by barraponto: Use Drupal.behaviors pattern for Javascript.
  5. Issue #2190325 by barraponto | arshadcn: Test Radix 3.x + CTools Modal.
  6. Issue #2204193 by barraponto: Don't add radix-modal.js unless needed.
  7. Updated modernizr.js

radix 7.x-3.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
  1. Make default kit use compass_radix gem
  2. Removed compass_twitter_bootstrap gem from config.rb
  3. Updated screenshots. Violet FTW
  4. Abort when no theme name is provided for drush

radix 7.x-3.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.x and FontAwesome 4.0.

radix 7.x-2.0-beta5

New features

Drush support for Bootswatch theme. drush radix "My Subtheme" --bootswatch=name

radix 7.x-2.0-beta3

Bug fixes
  1. Moved template files to a system directory.
  2. Some bug fixes and general maintenance work.

radix 7.x-2.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes


  • Drush subtheming support.
  • Support for Bootstrap javascript components.
  • Better structure for subtheming template files.
  • Added a _helper.scss partial for CSS/Sass helpers.
  • Updated Fontawesome.


  • Issue #2064665: Remove extra span tag for anchors
  • Issue #2057185 by busla: Fixed image styling for panopoly
  • Issue #2052097 by niccolo: fixed dropdown menu hover gap
  • Issue #2044225 by SocialNicheGuru: Undefined index: #parents in radix_button

radix 7.x-2.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

Replaced sass partials by compass_radix extension.
Made responsive optional.


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