Dear Expert,

I would like to know how to theme quiz-result page?
I searched all files in the quiz folder. I found which contains theme function but there is a few.

What I should do? Could you please advise.

Thank you.


Supakorn created an issue.

Supakorn’s picture

Hello I try to solve this problem almost one year already.

If somebody know this, please shade me some light.


sanjay_thakkar’s picture

I am also interested in this thing. if anyone knows please let us know or put some suggestions.

alimc29’s picture

Another vote here - anyone have success with this?

It was easy to theme the results page in the 4.x version - just needed to copy the quiz-report-form.tpl.php to my theme & go from there for node/%/myresults/%, but I can't figure out what would be needed for this updated path in quiz 5.x