This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This Quickbooks Webconnector module (QBWC) allows standalone computers running Quickbooks or Quickbooks Point of Sale (POS) to use the Quickbooks Webconnector to exchange data with a Drupal site.

QBWC allows any number of endpoints and usernames and passwords to be created for incoming Quickbooks Webconnector connections (though each endpoint / username / password combination must be unique.) Incoming data and requests get tagged with a machine name to route the data appropriately within Drupal.

For new connections, QBWC generates random endpoint / username / password data. This random information can be used directly by the Quickbooks Webconnector simply by downloading the appropriate .QWC configuration and loading it in the Quickbooks Webconnector on the Quickbooks computer.

The QBWC module implements the QBWC SOAP server protocol to handle incoming authentication and error-handling. The requests and responses are parsed and the Quickbooks XML (QBXML) response information is handed off to another module via a Drupal hook. The Quickbooks XML module works hand in hand with this module to automatically process and import incoming responses.

Similarly, when an incoming connection instantiates, a Drupal hook is used to request any pending queries for that connection. Once again, the Quickbooks XML module performs this request queuing functionality.

This module and the actual Quickbooks Webconnector program running on the Quickbooks PC require that the Drupal site must use secure HTTP (HTTPS). This requirement may be overridden for testing purposes only by including the word "localhost" in the base URL for the Drupal site.

Related modules

Quickbooks XML

How to get

This project is a standard Drupal module and can be installed like any ordinary module including using the "drush dl qbwc" command.

The code repository maintained on Drupal, and mirrored on Github and Bitbucket.

Project information
