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This module provides the functionality to import raw data into drupal nodes. It offers an customizable path that can be queried with a HTTP POST request to store the desired data into a node. The path can be protected by a key that must be passed along at each POST request.
The quick and dirty raw data import module does by far not provide advanced methods but it gives the possibility to quickly import node entries into an existing drupal installation. I used it to convert a pligg website with round about 6000 pages into a drupal one with the help of this module and a ruby script reading the database and firing the post requests within 20 minutes.

To actually import data the following fields must or can be set in the request.

name description
key* The key that protects the request url.
title* The title of the node.
body* The body of the node.
type A valid node type. Defaults to 'page'.
user A valid user that shall be the author of the node. Be sure to enter a user that has the proper permissions to create the given node type!
vocabulary A valid id of a vocabulary the node will be filed under. Defaults to 1.
tags Tags from the vocabulary that shall be associated with the node. Missing tags will be created.

Fields marked with an * must be set.

Project information
