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97 themes match your search

A theme is a set of files that define the visual look and feel of your site. You can use themes contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal themes.


The Stack theme for base on Omega theme.

CoderDojoed XHTML

Omega based 2-column theme suitable for document import

Mind Games XHTML

XHTML version of Omega-based Mind Games theme


LNER theme for Heritage Rail site. An Omega sub-theme.

Awesome Labs

Simple and yet professional looking HTML5 theme based on Omega.


Illuminati is a material theme based on Omega 4 and Materialize css.

For this theme, Omega for Drupal 7 is required.

Barcelona Drupal Developer Days

Theme for Barcelona Drupal Developer Days 2012.

This is an Omega subtheme.


Simple and elegant theme based on Omega Drupal 7 Base Theme.
Designed to support responsive layout features of Omega and Color module for customization.


Cornelius is a theme based on Omega4.
You will have a stylized site in a few seconds.


The Nextly theme

The Nextly theme for base on Omega theme.

Sponsored by NextDrupal.


Omega theme sub-theme. Includes 5 regions. Doesn't support dropdown menus.


Using the Omega System, this is a dark and scary goth/punk theme for


Nice a clean design as a sub-theme of Omega.

Original Design by Xacobe


The Alpha theme is being revived for Drupal 7 as a base theme for Omega, breaking out the "basic" functionality of Omega, so that in Omega 3.x you have the option between the "base" theme, and the power that you are familiar with by adding the Omega theme, and continuing to use that as you always have.


Developed and maintained by Jake Strawn


Respond - Responsive CSS3 Enhanced Omega Subtheme

Respond is a CSS3/HTML5 enhanced subtheme of Omega

More Information

More information, including optimal setup instructions for fluid images, etc. will follow shortly.


Ophiuchus - Image

Ophiuchus is an administrative subtheme based on the Omega base theme.


The Ophiuchus theme is a sub-theme of Omega. You will need to use the 7.x-2.x branch of Omega for Ophiuchus to work properly.


Developed and maintained by Jake Strawn, Development Geeks


Saeven 7.x-2.x and Omega 5

What ?

This is a simple responsive theme based on Seven from core and Omega.

Why ?

The theme was created because I needed a simple theme for Aegir.
The name "Saeven" comes from a mix between Seven and Aegir.
That said, the theme can be used as an administration theme of course, after all, it's just Seven "on steroids" !


Tej is a colorable subtheme of Omega, the responsive and highly configurable HTML5/960 grid base theme.
Tej also supports right to left (RTL) languages (ex: Arabic).

Business reinvent


Business reinvent theme powered by Omega. This theme is meant to be subthemed and become a starting point for your own theme development that is a little more friendly out of the box than Omega by itself.

Business reinvent is a responsive base theme, and works for desktop, tablet, and mobile sizes well. Business reinvent is a professional theme to improve your business identity.


Screenshot: Ingrained Theme

Ingrained is a two column responsive design with narrow (sidebar) content on the left and using the Omega base theme. Original design by Jozef Toth (, theme by Emma Jane and Design to Theme for the Responsive Web Design workshop.


Gamma theme demonstration -

The Gamma theme was included in the 7.x-1.x branch of Omega, but for the 2.x branch, Gamma has gained a life of its own...


The Gamma theme is a HTML5 sub-theme of Omega. You will need to use the 7.x-2.x branch of Omega for Gamma to work properly.


The base theme for the Open Aid Map distribution. Based on an original design by Naomi Menahem from SpatialDev.

This theme requires Omega 3.x.


Kappa is an Omega 4 based theme for use with the Open Enterprise distribution. It is highly opinionated with

  • Support for panels everywhere
  • SASS integration
  • Minimal HTML5 markup


This theme will be a base theme based on ZEN or Omega (not decided yet). The main goal is the "DRY" CSS.
