Add functionality and customize your Drupal application with thousands of projects contributed by our amazing community.

486 themes match your search

A theme is a set of files that define the visual look and feel of your site. You can use themes contributed by others or create your own. Learn more about creating and using Drupal themes.


Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks and open source projects in the world.

This base theme bridges the gap between Drupal and the Bootstrap Framework.



Visit the project's official documentation site or the markdown files inside the ./docs directory.

Supported modules

Drupal 8

Drupal 7

5 Year Evolution (gource)


Bootstrap5 theme

Bootstrap 5 based theme.

Bootstrap 5 theme is DrupalSouth 2024 Splash award winner.

This is a very non-prescriptive Bootstrap 5 theme with simple configuration. It can be used out of the box or as a subtheme for creating very flexible web designs with minimal changes (just override Bootstrap 5 variables.scss and recompile SCSS!)


Bootstrap 4 based theme.

Consider using ready for production Bootstrap5 theme if you are starting from scratch.

Barrio Bootstrap 5 Theme

Bootstrap Barrio Drupal Theme

Barrio is a Drupal - Bootstrap 5 Base Theme. Drupal markup is completely overwrite as standard Bootstrap 5 markup using from roots twig templates referencing only to Bootstrap CSS and little custom CSS. Barrio is Flex based for whatever is not covered by Bootstrap. Use SASS Barrio Drupal Starterkit Subtheme to streamline your development, creating custom compiled Bootstrap styles by just changing a few variables.

Color Management

Color management using predefined or custom color combinations, declaring CSS variables.

Variables will generate a complete color scheme overriding Bootstrap default color variables.

Variables could also be referenced from custom CSS or SCSS

Bootstrap Barrio Color Management

jQuery is no longer required on Barrio 5.5.*.

If your subtheme requires jQuery ensure that the dependency is declared on your subtheme info file before upgrading to 5.5.7

Docksal Barrio Drupal 9 Boilerplate

SASS Barrio Drupal Starterkit

This theme has no style rather than layout to serve as a start Base Theme.

Starterkit subtheme is fully integrated with Color Module.

1, 2 or 3 columns are handled automatically with configurable column widths. An extensive easy to use configuration form allows to configure 'Bootstrap Style' tables, buttons, navbars, containers, rows, Google Fonts, icons, messages, menus, etc.

To upgrade from Barrio 8.x-4.x to Barrio 5.1.x, if your theme does not use the Barrio Layouts on Display Suite then you can upgrade your Barrio theme with no harm

If your theme use Barrio Layouts on Display Suite please read before upgrading to Barrio 5.x.

Upgrade to Barrio 5.x

Cards and Media Bootstrap layouts are declared to use them out of the box on Barrio Subthemes.

Bootstrap Cards and Media Quick Tutorial.

Now Barrio comes with optional SVG Bootstrap icons defined for Drupal default menu links, to activate go to Font & Icon settings. New Barrio version also includes automatically generated classes for all menu links.

Personalize icon usage

For awesome block style manipulation use Block Styles Module. With this module any block could be turned into dropdown, modal or collapse with a click. It also let you add classes to blocks allowing padding and margins being handled from configuration.

A detailed guide for Barrio can be seen at:

Configuration Guide

Create a Bootstrap Barrio Sub-Theme

Layout note

Barrio 5.x layouts are defined using layout discovery classes, this layouts can be used out of the box with Layout Builder, Display Suite or any other module that consumes layout.

Layouts included:

  • Cards (several formats)
  • Media
  • 2 columns (6-6, 3-9, 9-3)
  • 3 columns (4-4-4)
  • 4 columns (3-3-3-3, collapse to 6-6 on small)


We strongly recommend to use the Bootstrap 4/5 Barrio SASS Subtheme to completly unleash Bootstrap 4/5 power on your site.

Almost every Drupal CSS is overriten using Bootstrap variables for sitewide standard colors and spacing. Based on Google Material Design full color scheme is generated including variants for main and secondary colors.

This subtheme is compatible with Bootstrap Material Design.

✔ Features

  • Columns
    • Column based grid
    • 1, 2 and 3 column automatic layouts
    • User defined column widths
    • Container and container fluid layout
  • Markup
    • Standard Bootstrap 4 or 5 markup replacing Drupal twig templates
    • Easy to customize twig templates
    • Standard markup for header navigation
    • Bootstrap 5 offcanvas menu
    • Hide node titles on all view modes
    • Multilevel main menu flyout submenus options
    • Collapsed left slide main menu option
    • Bootstrap form elements, including custom elements
    • Classes to identify menu links
    • Customized Bootstrap themed tables
    • SVG icons integration on default links
    • Scroll class on body on window scroll, with scroll up and down class added on scroll behaviour
    • Three options for messages customizations
    • Replace Commerce templates with Bootrstrap twig template
  • Features
    • Color Module integration on subtheme
    • Bootswatch integration via CDN
    • Predefined Google Fonts combinations
    • Card Column Views template to alllow card column listings
    • Extra theme suggestions for entities and blocks
    • Body classes for entities and views

✔ Installation

  • Download and install Barrio.
  • Define Barrio Settings
  • Choose how to load Bootstrap files, CDN or locally
  • If load Bootstrap files from CDN, choose version to load on Bootstrap Library settings.

✔ Bootstrap Libraries Load

Since 8.x-4.24 version, Bootstrap is automatically downloaded via composer and copied into vendors folder.
To copy dist files into libraries folder during installation, you can add the following 2 lines of script into your main composer.json file:
    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": [
            "@composer drupal-scaffold"
        "post-update-cmd": [
            "@composer drupal-scaffold",
+           "mkdir -p web/libraries/bootstrap",
+           "cp -R vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist web/libraries/bootstrap"

This will mantain your bootstrap version up to date when updating via composer.

Also, Bootstrap Libraries could be loaded by the Bootstrap Library module, this give you extra flexibility to load the library either via CDN or locally, choosing an up to date Bootstrap version regardless of the theme version.

Bootstrap Business

Bootstrap Business for Drupal by More than (just) Themes is a responsive Drupal theme, that helps you create a great-looking corporate/business site. Design-wise, it is based on original design work by AyoThemes.


This theme is mainly based on the Bootstrap version 3, see
This Drupal theme does not offer any special features except those provided by the Bootstrap framework. Therefore, you should use this theme as a base theme for your custom theme.

Bootstrap 5 - SASS Starter Kit

Bootstrap SASS starter theme

This is a Barrio subtheme that simplifies integrating Bootstrap 5 SASS with Drupal.

This subtheme is compatible with Barrio Bootstrap 4 (5.1.x) and Barrio Bootstrap 5 (5.5.x).

By default package and gulp files are compatible with Bootstrap 5, if you wish to work with Bootstrap 4 use legacy versions of package and gulp files available on root folder.

Bootstrap SASS Starter Kit

Bootstrap SASS Starter Kit

Bootstrap SASS Starter Kit provides a turnkey solution to help you quickly create a custom theme based on the popular Twitter Bootstrap Framework.

Bootstrap Mint

Bootstrap Mint - Home page

Bootstrap Mint is a fully Responsive, mobile-first Drupal 8 theme built on the Bootstrap 3.x Framework.

Commerce Bootstrap Base Theme

This is a sub-theme for the Bootstrap theme. It overrides Drupal Commerce templates to match Bootstrap and other helpers.

This theme is intended to be used as a base theme and speed up the theming of your Drupal Commerce store.

Bootstrap 5 admin

Bootstrap 5 Admin Theme for Enhanced Drupal Administration. This theme is base on Bootstrap 5 theme and provides a feature-rich interface specifically tailored for administrators. Whether you're managing a content-heavy website or a web application like an ERP system, the Bootstrap 5 Admin theme is here to streamline your workflow.
Use with the Menu Bootstrap Icon module, following best practices to enhance your menu navigation.

Bootstrap for Drupal


This project aims to provide a pragmatic theme fully integrated into Bootstrap 4 and the best possible experience out of the box: right after Drupal installation: All native Drupal blocks and menus are placed and stylized along with all native pages and forms.It also aim to be a Bootstrap 4 base solution for developers with SCSS files provided.

Comments, Forum and books are stylized. Multilingual support (language icon in the main navigation). Print Version.

This theme feature an advanced main navigation for desktop and mobile with a dynamic search bar.


Bootstrap Clean Blog

Frontpage example.

Theme Information

Clean blog is a carefully styled Bootstrap blog theme that is perfect for personal or company blogs. This theme features four HTML pages including a blog index, an about page, a sample post, and a contact page.

Web Experience Toolkit: Bootstrap

A modern, component based and accessible theme powered by the Bootstrap base theme and integrated extensively with the WxT jQuery Framework.

This theme will strive to always work with the native Drupal 8 workflow which consists of leveraging block layouts and twig templates by default. Over time full support for various contributed modules such as Display Suite and Panels will be added for more complex layout functionality.

UI Suite Bootstrap

A site-builder friendly Bootstrap theme . Use Bootstrap parts (components, helpers, utilities and layouts) directly from Drupal backoffice (layout builder, manage display, views, blocks, flags...) in a low-code way.

This theme is built with UI Suite

UI Suite Initiative provides a cohesive set of modules to implement full design systems while preserving and improving the Drupal site building experience.

Base Bootstrap 4

This theme has reached end of life. Please use the Bootstrap4 theme instead.

The purpose of this theme is to provide a super simple and bare-bones base theme using Bootstrap 4.

This theme is purely designed for you to extend it and develop your own theme on top. It will only provide you with basic functional templates for Bootstrap 4. It will not provide you multiple options or configurations.

Bootstrap PointNet

Bootstrap PointNet

Bootstrap PointNet is a conversion of the old PointNet Red Sun theme from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, the old 7.x theme was based on the Zen theme, this new 8.x theme is based on the latest and most supported bootstrap 8.x .

Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS; it is probably the leader among the available front-end frameworks, optimized to build responsive, mobile-first projects.

Bootstrap Agency

Theme example

Bootstrap Agency is a port to Drupal 7 of the beautiful Start Bootstrap Agency template.

Bootstrap Cloud



Cloud Orchestrator Logo
This theme is designed for Cloud module, which is a sub-theme of Bootstrap or Bootstrap 5.
